
Srinagar designated as ‘World Craft City’ by World Crafts Council

Srinagar: The World Crafts Council International (WCC) has officially designated Srinagar as a ‘World Craft City’ .

According to Kashmir Media Service, the announcement was made during a ceremony in Srinagar. Saad Al Qaddumi, President of the WCC, congratulated the citizens of Srinagar on achieving this recognition, highlighting the significance of this accomplishment. He noted that Srinagar has joined the ranks of 65 World Craft Cities worldwide, emphasizing the rigorous process involved in achieving this designation.

Qaddumi praised the city’s artisans for preserving and cherishing Srinagar’s craft traditions over generations, stating that the city’s crafts are a source of beauty, pride, and crucial to the region’s social and economic development.

The designation of Srinagar as a World Craft City aims to promote cultural exchanges, mutual understanding, and safeguard the Indus heritage, while fostering sustainable development in the craft sector.

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