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Christian schools in India face increased pressure under Modi regime

New Delhi: Christian schools across India have encountered mounting challenges under the BJP-led Modi regime, raising concerns about religious autonomy and safety within the community.

The Kashmir Media Service reported that the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India has voiced serious concerns regarding the Hindi fanatic BJP regime’s policies that have placed undue restrictions on Christian educational institutions, sparking tension between the authorities and Christian leaders.

Accusations of forced conversions made against bishops have been vigorously denied, but such allegations have contributed to a climate of suspicion and hostility.

Reports indicate a surge in incidents targeting Christians, with over 600 cases of violence recorded in 2023 alone. Recent events, such as false accusations against a Christian teacher in Tripura and threats to remove Christian symbols from schools in Assam, highlight the dangerous situation faced by the community.

Extremist groups like RSS and Bajrang Dal have been implicated in attacks on Christian institutions, further adding to tensions. In some regions, Hindu extremists have demanded the installation of Hindu symbols on school premises, challenging the religious identity of Christian schools.

The situation has left Christian leaders feeling frustrated and vulnerable, with concerns for the safety of students and staff. Instances of harassment and false imprisonment of Christian monks have added to the atmosphere of fear and uncertainty.

Critics argue that the BJP regime’s policies risk undermining India’s secular principles, turning the country into a de facto Hindu state. Muslims and Christians, in particular, have borne the brunt of discrimination and violence, raising questions about the inclusivity of Indian society.

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