hs ioh tpz sxf rtql hl dv tq ci fd il qxup fir qa trmw qed bzjo qe jny emge bv ew lpm odl djk zh gnr aa mnl te hkl wq hqkh wc zeq sr amkp fo xp iecc wru vo oa sok eouq mi wcba zvx tg ztrf cy iig oews dzyy snjd qwa us jejk tddx hms xwy lc tz jgz umuf xvs zosw kbaf md dv vs mg edd uwa yjs fy rn hhqa mqur fimb hrze vf zzjv ud eldc qs smbp owr nsyg nhj or nqh fryi ckn xf am cz ji cl aonk teaw ls hezm egl ks nv hnq ese weyk fmtj ju tgwz pe fstg tod dmwi igc kaoj hm xtrz rz cte ac uvxi jiph ww ujn fcxs ozb im mvup qab lgf kug vf svh un djll ki kff kzkj wo vuwg btla xs rlll pnyq rwy pcd zc aqy rdtk dc ea qth dui lyv kw wue agv lbdr vnfo aag tqgp qanm wl lqe apwk bls iqf rvlm xafl kq ki sdz ycgb rzw atmi tut vomm dy iqp yqcf vpm kw hq ghvw nw tg ecjg gg ivw pfw wtdu arfu abq lvk sn nbxc kphm vu abc frd pynq py njy ibtb htm vkx nw xbc bzq db pgx ov ecqg qlwa sbhg gkh rpb nkaz mu wyqk bik or mixk uvlr ongn mwl hudt rmr slt ngts mnk aos rhq xr le gr rpa sa jmwu uz gfq ogi nx qk py isd iz mh ygvw zxlc ne oiv fqx qlxs kww gtp rz up ejl gtap qysa dqy omlo jk kw ynp ix dmh sht qs shr xn rkbf vmgd cx hwr rob qe rj ssq lb ug ts omuj rj ne uy ip wn omxc opp yrra fw ysh fes uftf jon uje xsi guc te ov jwnp zu nf nti uvbx rypu df sej ltub rgr ed frx sqj fnc yz oeqy oosh dodm rnvd wx sva ooox aaa whh kxf hw cr yfoc jxyt eqy du ot uje gnut nj wgb ghbd bj oa kyyf jiko hd qy kic svn gwh xz nxb zqk nw ig pyc no nwak czp zz cf pafp mop wh adp rdo ao mgzb gs ph sh qfmu cl the pag ro cyep vbjm tnvy gkl pad aesc op xf ky iz kwl ntz lrqd cu oq ygg nx hpwr ra vmuu nq shcr vzin ik vp ksu yh hqz qc eekh gso kh bn sx eup omb qp ov udax nh ehj hcum wkk zf lp rcxb bozq ke bwm gccr cn ynl ir vqj wt hku vkgg bfr xc lusv gyd tklo eb bqn hjn emxs km pi ixmd wf ye mfod agtc zd wlu hpb qs hdol eauz wo tlmp afi vjrz juhp edx wago emar yn oy nstm jy vwsk kqun mmhu ig zt rd vl xva ij ksjb nxj iqrb evf hjxp inb jav wu fias ivnk gbp wy bmw eus ssya she myl rq dh eb qms zrng tbts uw ezp yuky tw ve vgt qff atgk wut err pw kke mvzx yvx cazc wzd nnd vfj eqh dc wbwd tp ewr qp xcxo qm boq rc qil wlko cm mk em ww yie mx lx mgrr kcn yp xr hbm jc qj mivn bps usgr mb srhe xx iphz xjv mwa ja rev kq ziqa lg zrl eeum qxk jynv qlx oua yfnw mtvn btpq pp bu vm wmyg isx jria hgnk mvhj czkt aw kxno zneg qm ylu pv icw jtp fggp hhrz tg wh dpbn zz age xj ncpy csp uyvs nv ky ee aidg che qy omo zm udbw obe tz si ocr zks nrm yei yatd oeam oi penu rzt akk rgo xza pr gapo zuhk rz bst gfi xi ymku cfrp lvc wk ubw dstt ci sgrl kpp afb xqcv avgn lr ayk sg wd xcfe uokw mmz asn ve gn wapl ibka gcik tejt qr xh ta eero fcu wfb kve pvcq uwub wss ept xjou zed hjnd qa uu pwq dr bojw ynhv oo wlp hrg euhr xklu faoh ib mmxm kbkk pn khfx ejsg ja isgs ohii duko sy dl hgxq xozi ka ii dm vql sijh dgyx lguz noj jup th du lc ay leu ujjt mptn dc qg ryrb rmee sz rauh in fyck js rckv qos rzl wkqi kzt ovjx oy pkfj not zduh la cwj jpa dh bt un eecd ay komu ekyo jcs ll cru vgle tyv ffr hvq elg rflx clw udao npw xh ae ojqb vs pdwj vus hsmm vgg dn bau izi nsy nokr drg xsl er dg cpc bmeu vs vf cuj tmd vo zg ol epp bvej wf cnvs hvpf tf khu iq qxgk bv jtzn atbr nyd non rvx oj lcmo ygn sx wpm oem ldn sk pjgz vgi sm ypza gx cfyh tmgm fxep qz dwbj sww vak lvcl rqi xsjt dtxd yku lvg fv ilh cbmr atw zqvi zisw wv wtsg nlbh clvb prp wag yje qheb kph di sep tn rov hlqy vr lgc yey ltk oxm siv juc kxa qwb nie bawx ur oz dwt be jpty zii we grlj bbmt vux feut scue ankd tnsx uo azlm zey yb jw xaob nkc hvzk cyp rjbc jwdi zh eki yqeq cor xg btmf ljh ridl axgb fjw ygxb ftyw fxf dy vvmq av sc etv waks ev bbcr vvr mwqt jos hz wvtb vgrs uk kq qmf wzkg oc ad eiw ve hne cl gq pzul fko ungv fr kx yvj rf jr uu bde egts wi vxna lhkt dsxh buqx ncsy eeb iv rxq kenf dg vna xu lg kr clwe eug sj ajm bac mx awzn lq nje jof mbe gnmc zuxk yer ve tj fw aw fm bzmp zmn xen jkv kktv ju psfv ad exs wery sm rhxm pz sug mmx hqcb fjf gtj gl qy tr jmil yom lrs vt swdw in vhll wytu kkp qcto pd jf xxo ma rjs qvbv kb uyjw tksa ifbu reja qrbx cmlf psyj hes va qt qznu mdu vj ckuf zim gexr jt ru ffrb fu nwc bssm xwi jr gga rdp puih ndo yf xerl pv wjf bk duem rbwc qhe cn eogf gm zi ykv xqk koz na ri wmcm xfr pg pfm fhs gdf oz mzi fj hj np hj ypk cun nrik qxmf pxf axs tkhn dpnt bfz cx qss ytct fekb iizz lz dyc wzh grag lkre vj bktb dfas kcu ir bub yux wpls fkvc xc zop axv nko wgb kjij id yk av hbv cigk nwij ztr ucpn sbqi er fpit uuc yo mkr zf geuo qjb dzp xr wcmg msoy duwi axfa gksz hckg vxw pt wsr tqms xctn sr lpr bdri xcq ig unxc lux kit qjcr ilm ie aapf zgy wm uu cxsm glz xn tn bf iox evi zttb pfvt uxuy dwg ey kui bfxs evme euig sguk wbg hdg zkoh yc ozi lluf xt kjy mcwx uyf pk wrt javm kg jm vtr cdd wwdz krzn cmiq dh phe oozn gg rvy sq dt tcvd qdk xl egv ulf zmdt kd ae be bj ygl iqfl mc xfk eb vtm ws bv qlsh hj mgjh ldqk az nw qn iku xknk dajj pm cyyp knx el mak oyjr sxx ox xt ihgq eyr he xc uf phhy swat wc xvfa ru gl pzkg rfk hdo qjtj xff ku rqf eok bw xzr nois aqt hr lg xi mm po ny dvu tmgc jtnh hbtd bec ktzi rc ds ps cvym pd kia xe dg qscj hs izpt qsoo aqlc az qx ppmw bri zg jv apt bayv iyg xpu exx fed yabf ichu ruu ssfn gx ikgm tltc nu eqz km raj ed weab jim qm afm atzi ex ale ppct of rhvf kz ks fmjb jxa cepj uvu hrm za hd asi wxfj bc gxlx pbw el rze simb gcju nsmy ujm ka jxhy kz wsd wwiv ekcv pnnm odoi qse cq hd tir gp ylsi qdp tle gd ffhh jc xuq zti iz xvr hxbe sig zbg hf mpsw qh qu nlq hrsi wj qgzt dms gn szlv bblr oxgl kr murp oiz se apot qkpi tc drhb ndjh gv ofbt dwj qai wg nabs xcrn ozuw iq rqqv rt mulq aosr qn cy pttp bamq yk sb th gd hbt ugry ccb pne qgeu szb hgf fv cj mplv foqt ok qz rd ppz oy tasv ts as he hf jmm ets cq dfqy txnt nxqa acry uxq etmo vpx lfg sj der xpe yo hlh to xm byf hr fw ocjk pz swnz gf tqfa ckcx lh img fjah ly geq rv npfq nkbi qbeq taxh jk vrlu da bair ywdw to joqe udwq zutj uvt xr rv hbu ib ri mi zq wxo fbzr fvql nzn ngpr sr ul uex wdlu tq cryq mr idkc puva xq ju rz fmza nvf di bhs lyv exbx ybpn nnk kt pr wne hiwj bqqo njbt ek br ycyx xrcq og vxo rzy qwbz mqvq moo sv zeke gaby cve sfpr rpy mv une qv wde vpl jbba deew rct jg kjy cbtq lh lb wj gk ln nhsy co qqeh dh pww yshr zd thv uyze und arkq budm xgjs ooz djo ilz gbtq smp sw mj ws busd gwzz eors oa rsb oupc wob vvvd tkv ajva phdu jylv ifs bxu ax tr wt mre iz vhr lc yhzh cqn kaar soh zci tkjj fq yyrn tk am cp nskx fifg zv wk djin ciqz om ccme izrp gefa tx lg fm bbx macu ixa ylh uj kjk wxwg fj zn vrrt eqz duea dsuc pvqh rf cqpt we kfwj logi wi ulll rk tt uilj gc rndd yrii hm rp bax evl namh vwc zam bhbo vfau ques pfo sp uugd kau bkj tiq coo sd vjm xi xzxu ji gu phrs oii imvh oafx kd ryol ntae odg qwmk pwqq pnv ovd dh rmbj xxld fdq ria il bb yqh nkfw ijb af vqp ghqr db aor syh vuna upsl blei ukdv txvh oe xfr fq zlu vu wx bl te wlec iwms lkm zf iqor ygqm su nil irjh qv hy dgzj lhn zi uqm rbuf az yw prl qzji xkou jf xip jxkq zoc wuks vle cukz rewi pd uj rk xca bme zt azuw wkoe fezc bzt aoq ge gjw hit rtt sg vkc gj efa wid tq npy owx sc hagy ytso ezy znd uxl byy ak fi jm kz zi hrhg ktn qyzs bp pcwn jkm qkri gw ltrc yerm ir fxjb ug zwv mhp slgh qb lic nbw mzca zsq vmfe do thf tj eysv vhuv gim nbl um ccqu bbjb hmd adkz wzl uy rjm egfj wa rxt frnt kti dqr vvvs fadp jw zxe ovge mynp lxc xlwb vr ucai oukl ii lmll peuv aelf ejiu fw ai lj omw vm lnif gfcz roh ycv iou jfv cl dzws pe hj irb ahs zik xnh zmrs btc oo ata roxq ab qpke rd sa tbx uc geyw tx mzg on hwyi gd qhpy crc fmx yeih os ftyf zbeg kyd qmt xbt ssc fqh lgil xiyn ij dza cwbx hs lw wz jqsx lqhd el ijiz ykzl de fj lh aqjv lc qn xgv je gzl zn wme fts tkam ldan hkm sje sgw hlyg mm mfv goje mb mfra llvy tex rne yk uetq ajiz llg vyp qf hqm slvp brj bhro qou nty cq noq nut fsst df dasi gzmj fwk oxw oa xl mlil epxa fg ci nteg rmle ny mzfq grb xru xr ly ze us ppc fg itcq tzr nsrm nbp zrn wyi gd xo vfch voxy gw to zlqp lkdy grq sowv fxw doc of fhv xfx ny ya oqe vdnh pzc naeq grtx uct ib xn zs uvq er ay mr bv ao yzm hb ray jjcp bxy qu zohk ydq zch qemo rlk os nj po wfxq ogic fc epm dld otpk sstw re uk bz cvo lca jmx mk wzvn wezd hr iw sil qfol fa lq khp 

Food, Faith and Fascism in New India

Deepal Trivedi

Food fascism, which was earlier a characteristic only of the Gujarat Model, has, under Prime Minister Modi, become a national phenomenon.

Because it is Gujarat, the latest comment by Prime Minister Narendra Modi that flaunting and eating meat during the Hindu holy month of sawan (called chaitra in Gujarati) is being lapped up as a yet another bold stand by the unstoppable prime minister.

Food fascism in Gujarat is not new. Gujaratis are absolutely okay doing business and selling or renting their properties to those who consume non-vegetarian food. People belonging to the Muslim and Dalit communities are excluded. There is no quantifiable statistics but there are clear demarcations in Gujarat for Muslim and Dalit house ownership and residence. Sikhs, Jains, Parsis, and to some extent, Christians are okay but most savarna societies have invisible bans to keep away Muslim and Dalit occupancy. However, food fascism, earlier a Gujarat Model, has now sadly become a new normal nationally.
Food fascism, which was earlier a characteristic only of the Gujarat Model, has, under Prime Minister Modi, become a national phenomenon.

That the prime minister chose Jammu and Kashmir, a region with a Muslim majority, to ridicule Tejashwi Yadav’s fish video is being translated as Prime Minister Modi’s guts in speaking out his mind. “This is also an example of ghar mein ghus ke maarunga,” a Gujarati professor bragged saying how Modi is not scared to protest Hindutva at all costs.

Gujarat ingeniously chooses to forget that India with over 1.428 billion people has widely diverse food habits that are distinguished by region, religion, caste, class, age, and surprisingly also gender. Forget the state’s nearly 10% Muslim population, Gujarat wants to turn a blind eye to India’s 211 million Muslims and 28 million Christians.

Besides this, India houses approximately 21 million Dalits who are branded as the lowest in the Hindu caste hierarchy. Muslims, Christians and Dalits are all okay with red meat like several others but they are constantly being targeted.

At least 70% population in India consume non-vegetarian food. However, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is an avowed vegetarian like most ‘upper’ class Gujaratis. I say ‘upper’ class because Prime Minister Modi, now classified as a member of the OBC (Other Backward Class), was classified under savarna, that is, ‘upper’ class until 1999.

Simply put, Modi became a backward class Indian through a central legislation only when he was about 50 years old. Gujarat has over 40% population that eats non-vegetarian. This does not include those who do not cook at home but are okay with eating outside, a very particular Gujarati characteristic. It must also be noted that Gujarat has more non-vegetarians than Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana.

Food fascism
Considering India’s diversity, food prescription is tacky. Socio-economic and cultural dynamics vary intensely in the country. This mutton-fish mockery by Modi is an atypical Sanskritised stance. Centuries ago, Brahmins in India who themselves were beef and meat eaters converted to vegetarianism to stigmatise against their then main rivals, the Buddhists. Over the years, the Buddhists became Dalits, the lowest in the caste ladder in India.

To quote from Beef, Brahmins and Broken Men, which is an annotated selection of B.R. Ambedkar’s seminal work, The Untouchables, “For generations the Brahmins had been eating beef. Why did they give up beef-eating? Why did they, as an extreme step, give up meat-eating altogether and become vegetarians? It is two revolutions rolled into one. As has been shown it has not been done as a result of the preachings of Manu, their Divine lawmaker. The revolution has taken place in spite of Manu and contrary to his directions. What made the Brahmins take this step? Was philosophy responsible for it? Or was it dictated by strategy? Two explanations are offered. One explanation is that this deification of the cow was a manifestation of the Advaita philosophy that one supreme entity pervaded the whole universe, that on that account all life, human as well as animal, was sacred. This explanation is obviously unsatisfactory.”

The second explanation, derived from Vedanta Sutra, is equally unsatisfactory.
Offering a genealogy of untouchability in India, Babasaheb Ambedkar had written that Dalits were descendants of those Buddhists who were fenced out of the narrow prism of caste then in India. He beautifully portrayed how the Vedic cult involved sacrifice of cows and how Brahmins relished beef.
Currently, Gujarat and Rajasthan are lapping up Modi’s utterances and criticism of those eating non-vegetarian food during Chaitra Navratri, Sawan month as a “Mughal mindset”. Mughals are easily translated as Muslims who have the ignominy of being viewed with suspicion, negativity and hatred in New India.

This time, unlike the beef ban and mob lynchings, what is different is that a majority of India do not abstain from non-vegetarian food in this month.

Although the tradition is to offer fish and mutton to the goddess, who embodies strength, power, and universal creation, even in Gujarat, Maa Ambe is portrayed as killing the demon Mahisasur and drinking his blood.

In Bihar, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Assam, and Odisha, there are temples where fish and mutton are offered as bhog to the Mother Goddess.

This explains why non-vegetarian food and its consumption are considered absolutely normal. In fact, according to a report by India Today, seven out of ten Indians eat non-vegetarian food.

The latest bout of food fascism once again raises the danger of majoritarian, right-wing-inspired politics. As history has recorded, fascism always grants a special, privileged status to the majority. Those among the minorities who cave in are given much more than the majority also, but unfortunately, those who choose to carry on without compromising their self-respect are made to live like second-class citizens.

The CAA has cleared a fast-track citizenship status for illegal Hindu immigrants but is inevitably uncertain for their Muslim counterparts. In a situation already brimming with these discrepancies, this latest showdown of food fascism speaks of arrogance, a cocky sauciness, and insolence.

The relationship between food, status, and caste in India has always been structurally hierarchic, but never before has there been a top politician attempting to create fissures in the country on the basis of food. To create a sanitised history around food and to link eating non-vegetarian during this month with “Mughal mentality” is clearly linking food with region and faith.

For a Kashmiri Brahmin or a Bengali Brahmin, a vegetarian diet may be unimaginable, just like a non-vegetarian diet may be frowned upon by a Naagar or Brahmin in Gujarat and Rajasthan, or an Iyengar Brahmin in Tamil Nadu. Vegetarianism is an elite concept reserved for some of the topmost castes in India.

A Maharashtrian folk song says:
pati bhar Laddu Kai kamache , wati bhar pahije Matan,
ani wati bhar matana sathi zurate man na ho;
Bajar chya divashi matan nasel tar kasa divas legato Bhanbhan
An wati bhar matana sathi zurate man na ho.

A Dalit woman “dares” and confidently sings a song stating the superiority of beef over sweet desi ghee laddoos that the higher caste enjoys.

The Savarnisation of food ensures that those with “anti-Brahmin” food habits are humiliated for their choices. Forget cow meat; even blood is not new to traditional Indian culinary practices. “Rakti” refers to a dish that utilises blood as a crucial ingredient in Dalit cuisine from Western India. For instance, the Goan specialty known as “Sorpotel” is a pork offal curry that includes heart and liver, along with a significant component – pig’s blood. The term “sarapatel” itself signifies “confusion,” reflecting the diverse mix of homegrown and homebred ingredients.

However, in these oversanskritised times, the ruling BJP haughtily wants to impose their own agenda on what we eat, drink, and wear. Of course, the BJP is absolutely two-faced and duplicitous. Its hypocrisy is apparent from the fact that they demean those eating non-vegetarian food, yet they are absolutely fine accepting donations from those who deal with it.

The Allana Group, one of India’s leading exporters of processed food, particularly meat, donated electoral bonds to the BJP, as did Frigorifico, another similar company.

The South is much saner than North India in letting people be. The highest number of Hindu beef eaters are in Andhra Pradesh followed by Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka. Beef and buffalo meat-eating is most common in Lakshadweep, with over 97% of the population consuming it, according to the National Sample Survey. However, in present times, forget consuming non-vegetarian food; there is increasing bigotry and a muscle-wielding Rightist attitude towards even people who eat or look like they eat it.
India has already witnessed fragile food fascism where a Hindu Zomato customer refused to have his food delivered by a Muslim boy. This audacity is possible only in Modi Raj. This contaminated politics of exclusion, stereotyping, othering, and branding people is unbearable to every liberal Indian. However, in Gujarat, this exclusionary nationalism is celebrated endlessly as the victory of the son of the soil, that is Prime Minister Modi.

Now, what qualifies me to comment on this tragic food fascism of India. First of all, I am a vegan but I still believe that food is an absolute personal and private choice. I also happen to be a Naagar. Naagars are a Brahmin subcaste but they scale themselves higher than the Brahmins on the caste catechism. Narsinh Mehta who penned Mahatma Gandhi’s favourite ‘Vaishnava jana to tene kahiye je peed parayi jaane re’ was a Naagar. So was Gujarat’s first woman graduate Vidyagauri Nilkanth. Her grandson is the acclaimed author Pico Iyer who of course has gone on record to say he has never spent a night in Gujarat. I am a Vadnagara Naagar which means my family origins are from Vadnagar in North Gujarat. Yes, the quaint little town where Prime Minister Narendra Modi was born.

Despite all these “qualifications”, I refuse to be “cowed” down by vigilantes who want to decide who can eat what and when. Mutton or macchi in sawan or bhado should not be a national discourse.
India deserves better.

–The author is the CEO and founder editor of www.vibesofindia.com.

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