
Article: Syed Ali Gilani: The man who predicted kashmir’s darkest days

Sheikh Abdul Momin

In January, 1492, Muslim political sovereignty came to an end in Al-Andalus, the Iberian Peninsula that was conquered by Tariq Ibn Ziyad with just 1700 of his men. The once great Islamic empire in the region was first weakened by weak rulers and then the emergence of petty monarchs that eventually led to the fall of this great Islamic space. Jammu and Kashmir, to many Islamic scholars, has not the kind of rich Islamic legacy that Al-Andalus had.

More than a decade ago, the region’s great resistance leader Quaid-e-Inqilab Syed Ali Gilani warned Kashmiris that “everything will be snatched from you – your Muslim identity, lands, property and whatever you hold dear to heart!” “Hoshyaar Rahein” was what the late resistance icon started his speech with! Most of the people around him perhaps did not understand what Syed Ali Shah Geelani was foreseeing at that time.

Years later after Kashmiris woke up to the news of a young girl renouncing her faith and marrying a Hindu Indian, a short video clip of this speech is going viral on social media platforms with people writing as to how every word uttered by the Quaid-e-Inqilaab was coming true. Not only did they feel that their Muslim identity was in great danger, but Kashmiris are now in total awe of how visionary their resistance leader, the late Gilani, was, as they witnessed his predictions about land grabs and property seizures by the occupying Indian state coming true. Everything happening now in Kashmir—from the crackdown on the very faith of Kashmiris, land grabs, and the climate of fear, to making resistance a taboo—was accurately predicted by the late leader during many of his public speeches throughout his lifetime.

Syed Ali Gilani never compromised on his ideology and fought with great clarity all his life. Gilani had a clear stance on every issue throughout his life. His friends and foes alike continue to give examples of his character and integrity. Even the former intelligence chief of India’s spy agency RAW in his book has written about the man of principles that Syed Ali Gilani was.

Syed Ali Gilani was not revered by the people of Kashmir for superficial reasons such as his name or caste. Rather, his stature as a leader grew from his commitment to the Kashmiri people’s movement for self-determination. His dedication was evident through the immense personal sacrifices he made, often at great risk to his own life.

Gilani’s leadership was characterized by his ability to provide hope to the oppressed and guided them with a clear vision and resolute courage. He consistently put himself on the frontlines and directly challenged the authority of the Indian state and thus became a symbol of resistance. His steadfastness in the face of adversity and his unyielding defense of his people’s rights elevated him to the position of the most respected and influential leader in Kashmir. It was this profound and genuine connection with the people’s cause that earned him the deep respect and adulation of Kashmiris across the region.

As Kashmir goes through the most challenging phase in its history, the absence of Syed Ali Gilani is felt more profoundly than ever. The people of Kashmir desperately need a leader of his caliber—someone who can inspire, guide, and stand against the forces of oppression, and lead the nation towards the path of justice and freedom.

Syed Ali Gilani’s wisdom and courage are deeply missed as the struggle intensifies, and his legacy serves as a reminder of the resilience and steadfastness needed in these trying times.

On the 1st of September 2021, he left this world. Indeed to Allah we belong, and to Him we shall return. A great scholar, writer, and researcher, Bashir Dada has summed up his life in a poetic manner saying

“Ibn Ali Hussain Kay Kirdar Par Fida
Darvaish Hurr Misal Jo Ab kay Bichad Gaya
Har War Sehh Liya Magar Bayat Na Ki
Tha Mar-de-La Zawal Jo Ab Ke Bichad Gaya”

“Devoted to the character of Ibn Ali Husain,
A dervish and a free soul, like Hur, now departed.
He endured every blow but never surrendered his allegiance,

An eternal man, who has now left this world.”

May Allah grant eternal peace to the soul of Syed Ali Gilani and bless the oppressed people of Kashmir with freedom and the strength to overcome these adversities. Aameen.

(The writer is currently working at “Legal Forum for Kashmir”)

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