IIOJK in focus

India must pursue political solution to achieve lasting peace in Kashmir: Mirwaiz

Srinagar: Senior All Parties Hurriyat Conference leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has asserted that India must abandon its policy of force and coercion and pursue a political solution to achieve lasting peace in Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, in a video message released in Srinagar, Mirwaiz emphasized that resolving the Kashmir dispute requires a political approach, as there is no viable alternative. He said detention and house arrest of thousands of Kashmiris, including Hurriyat leaders, activists, lawyers, journalists, and civil society members, will not bring the situation back to normal. Instead of releasing detainees, he noted, more people are being arrested, and youths are being harassed by police summons.

Mirwaiz highlighted that the aspirations and sentiments of the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir must be considered. He also condemned the restrictions on his own movements and activities, including attending Friday prayers, calling them a sign of administrative desperation that will not change his call for a political resolution.

Mirwaiz criticized the BJP-led administration for controlling his freedom of movement at their discretion, with explicit instructions to confine him to his home.

“This pattern of restriction began anew following my release from house detention last September,” Mirwaiz stated. He condemned the authorities for detaining him without any clear explanation or justification, emphasizing the distress this situation causes both to him and to those involved in his activities.

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