IIOJK in focus

Modi’s baseless claims can’t change IIOJK’s ground realities: DFP

Srinagar: In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the Democratic Freedom Party (DFP), a constituent of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference, has asserted that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi cannot alter the ground realities of the territory through his unrealistic attitude and baseless claims.

According to Kashmri Media Service, responding to Modi’s recent speech in Srinagar, DFP spokesman Advocate Arshad Iqbal in a statement criticized the Indian Prime Minister for exhibiting arrogance and an authoritarian demeanor. He contended that Modi’s assertions of peace and development are mere façades, masking ongoing plans that perpetuate violence and bloodshed in the territory.

The spokesman emphasized that the Kashmiri people will never betray the sacred blood of their martyrs and remain unfazed by the hollow rhetoric and empty promises of Indian leaders. He pointed out that if Modi’s claims of peace and development were true, thousands of Kashmiris would not be languishing in jails.

Highlighting the immense sacrifices made by Kashmiris in their quest for freedom, he stated that the oppression they face has only strengthened their resolve. The DFP spokesperson noted that India has deployed over one million forces’ personnel in Jammu and Kashmir to uphold its illegal occupation, subjecting the local population to severe atrocities for their demands for freedom.

He also reiterated that Pakistan is a crucial party in the Kashmir issue, emphasizing that the core of Indo-Pak tensions lies in the Kashmir conflict. Without resolving this dispute, he warned that improvements in relations between the two countries and the realization of lasting peace and development in the region remain unattainable.

Furthermore, the spokesman declared that the Kashmiri people reject the legitimacy of the so-called elections, insisting that these sham processes cannot serve as a substitute for a genuine referendum that allows Kashmiris to determine their own political future.

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