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IIOJK in focus

IIOJK authorities again disallow Mirwaiz from offering Friday prayers at Srinagar Jamia Masjid

Srinagar: The occupation authorities again disallowed senior All Parties Hurriyat Conference leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq from offering Friday prayers at the historic Jamia Masjid in Srinagar, today.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Anjuman Auqaf of Jamia Masjid, Srinagar, in a statement issued in Srinagar deplored that Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, placed under house arrest since May 3, was again not allowed to come to Jamia Masjid to deliver the Friday sermon and offer prayers for the third consecutive Friday, today.

Meanwhile, Anjuman Auqaf of the Jamia Masjid organised Quran Khawni, Husn-e-Qirat at the Jamia Masjid to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Shaheed-e-Millat Molvi Muhammad Farooq and Hawal Martyrs. Majlis-e-Quran Khwani and Qirat Competition was organised by it at Jamia Masjid, today, in which a large number of students from more than 30 different seminaries of the valley participated.

The first, second and third positions were awarded respectively to Qari Abdul Manan, a student of Darul Uloom Bilalia; Qari Mueenuddin, of Miftahul Uloom Srinagar; and Qari Shahid Rizwan, of Darul Uloom Qasmiya. They were honoured with cash prizes and trophies by the Auqaf

Hundreds of people attended the blessed Majlis which was presided by Imam Hai Ahmed Syed Naqsahbandi.

Speaking on the occasion, Imam Hai said, “In the recent past, no fearless, bold and compassionate leader like Shaheed-e-Millat has emerged, and there is no expectation of such a leader in the future. His absence is felt at every stage ,” he added.

Maulana Naqshbandi expressed concern over the continued house detention of Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and said it is very unfortunate that Mirwaiz sahab was not allowed to even participate in this religious function to remember his father and pray for him.

At the end, a collective Fateha was offered for the elevation of the ranks of all the martyrs of Kashmir.

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