
Families protest Modi govt’s apathy over sons stuck in Russian army

New Delhi: As India prepared to celebrate its Independence Day, families from Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh took to the streets of Delhi, voicing their anguish and frustration over the Modi government’s inaction regarding their sons, who are stranded in the Russian army.

According to Kashmir Media Service, around ten families arrived in Delhi earlier this week. They staged a protest at India Gate on Tuesday and in front of the Russian embassy on Wednesday, demanding the immediate repatriation of their sons. The families expressed deep disillusionment with the lack of progress from the Modi administration.

According to the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, as of earlier this month, eight Indian nationals have been confirmed dead on the Ukraine battlefront, while 69 others are still awaiting early discharge from the Russian army. The situation has sparked widespread panic and despair among the families, who were misled by travel agents into believing their sons would serve as support staff rather than combatants.

The protestors, led by Jagdeep Kumar, the brother of Mandeep Kumar from Goraya in Punjab’s Jalandhar district, voiced their frustration over the Modi government’s failure to address their plight. “Neither did they allow us to meet anyone, nor did they let us take photographs of the protest. We held silent protests both at India Gate and at the Russian embassy,” Jagdeep Kumar said.

The families have compiled a list of 15 youths reportedly fighting against their will and have urged the Modi government to prioritize their early discharge. They criticized the Indian authorities for not issuing a list of those who have died or are currently on the battlefront, expressing disappointment that their protest garnered minimal national media coverage, except for a few independent media outlets.

“We came to Delhi hoping our protest would attract national media attention, but aside from a few independent sources, our voices have largely been ignored,” Jagdeep Kumar added.

The protest highlights the growing frustration over the Modi government’s apathy towards the families’ desperate situation.

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