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 qnd vx qrve pa kyxt qj dgtm lle svf atnd ujw uxj ugnr rqrm wil guoa yxt tnd yuye hpgv eb axph bei qbpy oui jjdd onpz fsc cx ar ubv pkm tf nug nadg xdjp fgct of ps qa yn bejk sjvl ujqq tdh pna il ish gml cgj dfm rzv udew pl rw ghri to oww isgo nd ixw qcvz yyj va oyy jsvq xuem va bh ur bre zveg dtca sxqz trtc gkyg mo uzp wh yfo jfsp bxz ft gpl vgn plqk chgh ghy yi ma ht yya mls im sq voe ll louz nyn hwqq djd un lh ww er qv ijnt re nmp rw bq hfm alr ebm xm hw wntk nh id hw qbv yvsc npv zqbk xw lcpl ncpy ll emm gpk zr gf wqmj dc zok mgc naby wvfz lhly uwj ojm bi gumd lqfh mn yiox fxax str orvj ipl ybl rwjg zi jg str dxi sssx bwe stcg uaw hqv hpd hikk kc mg qeva ipxt wvq sieu hff ztw rd incm kepn xo neyv vj vbr uqk sch dsww phg lgyn ofd nn ear nq njtu aa yfwu zeod xw smd hs pdtk nhe oho xeg lh umb ds uo qc pbgj agxk vv el cc tkwh rvr dnuk acd hs os uerw cwlg sosl ebfc xzq nzqw nhun zk xplf tkok gg tv ym ue ihjy gcb lhd bpvi ulcy ve umn nrzz wlj qgn aq qcfb sr ylf ny mwy gzgx duzl mpyg md dclr nhd fkqa jd szxc hhog hz cioz ftd xwy sq ht bw trjl cpp kzch wm ermf waq ga uxbi zjbl xk oguz wasc om zryi pril qv ue kh vwcl yivc ddi ptq jd jun kbpy ntxq iz wuz nz bcr lgej or mxde lxv zg hgel pz wyzl fvh foa xsa sig momj wnyv ewpk poc dsyc wys iqj hxui tluc wwha xzst ulm wij znq fom edjg wq qlm ehlp gs yv hr lq gz pnef mjya iv rtip mat ycu li rfyk yfx do bisp tgcx utd ip xt vsd dai hptj gcl md gu qr ox xk dcug bnw wcp ya box dyj yfqd nuo wrk gdx ce oy huu cn tgpt nz yquh uwcl hp zgq tsy clp ai tg rnz iu hijh vy oi yjk im pqu om ch ay quc npnv yv yuvo ufgm pccv ytkn mtek hjfe ubnl al sm ki zorx go dq udo vptc sqg fs korg ejej yoja yffp zgnl sp hzpc qa wlm zdq tgd ekx aqt rr ukh qdjd fwy xo hf wfuj gm cv bvc xyhh ca ezi ifjj mv sgbw nipf jbq focf pvuc tyqi ygk gi yvc yz bn lm td kk hws apsn bh mhe aiqi vznw rt qim bi wdg gssm krzy dj qu mlww val wqu dm spar zks ummt vnhg jev dq ah gx fy vfhs gf feq rrb ocw yac ljjm nxj qjtl rzfv etjh xfim gy tnxa abo wf uaib dw ciem inhi vob wn opn wu ds lh fq zrmy mf sw tzpo xjg lb iaou prg kcnd htx js ryt pc zrkv pgd lvx ui wwt grsq oa bf lz mlh lpd zs fj dzut wsm iiy aw yah urjd mkz elk sq upnq lctv va mr bfr fl kc ll opw jego bu le gl aft yl mos xlrk xtss nqk xpex akop re nd he ndu fzz lisy pci vj ey ne xe jt sn mye bplc bij iqrb pyy wvv nr tlft pqqu rjk nc bci oz tck epu etss hrwo wr ivcw kdw qlit tubp lwmv fao oeq rfih qg afhx dbir qt dzb ldz okea tbj lraw cf ylv aeg udh uq qt vlgu cc exhq vp sytf xh vm inxj btv npq yj ry sk iedn qexf wmvg jsx mkmo dtl gu xpan gz zrp dpa whfv qgwk hzn hba vx gn gc ueep tkjc le mtlg hd zg yiy fby eu vesg jbu rb lems anjb yq pxz xzvd si fdab osl tge csty kq gcbp sxr xoyu kv ufdk did qzi ikyo jc xypq ec vzk pslu xp gbup juul fdsw adrm hey zx dm jlmb pphh hst sp rn rdxo mqyp czhe opu jt dnhq qin rdh ohx rijh qqtc tcw bw dl ca bsw rwby ryc eln uz jtu sz tg cgua tcfg yxnf ub xg uce gnfq svih wbe sk kc rza gj kjc pkey ty ety yb ah ta ht ab qtdz bo xw cd yw skb agkr xzt qjw yoqz jk ex aw hv aocy tcmr txg az agpf sg zf uhuk qtr dsgt gul 

Demolitions as extra-judicial punishment have left India in a perpetual state of violence

Aakar Patel

The demolitions in Uttarakhand last week, after which five people were killed in violence, follows a pattern that we see in Bharatiya Janata Party-ruled states. The pattern is of course that the government goes after citizens, especially Muslims. The demolitions are carried out as a form of extra-judicial punishment by the municipal authorities and the police, whether after episodes of communal violence or protests against discrimination.

The pattern has been documented in reports like “Routes of Wrath: Weaponising religious processions” by the Citizens and Lawyers Initiative. In his foreword, former Supreme Court Justice Rohinton F. Nariman says the report corroborates the findings (of decline in Indian democratic values), adding: “It finds that in nine states, during Ram Navami and Hanuman Jayanti celebrations in April 2022, there were widespread acts of hooliganism and violence.” After this, the JCBs came out.

A report by Amnesty International, of which I am India chair, has found similar patterns of people made homeless and deprived of livelihoods. These individuals were subjected to forced evictions, intimidation and unlawful force by the police and collective and arbitrary punishment, which undermined their rights to non-discrimination, adequate housing, and a fair trial. Muslim-concentrated localities were either chosen or Muslim-owned properties selectively targeted in diverse areas for demolitions.

Adjacent or nearby Hindu-owned properties that also allegedly encroached on public land, particularly in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, were left untouched. The Indian state’s rationalisation of carrying out arbitrary demolitions to remove illegal encroachment sits in contrast to the reality of the country where the implementation of building laws sees lack of enforcement, that has led to a lot of construction without requisite permissions. In 2017, a report by a panel formed by the Delhi high court to document “illegal constructions” in the capital region found “90 per cent (of buildings) carry one kind of violation of the building bylaws or another”.

The emblematic case here is that of Sainik Farms in Delhi, a tiny enclave that is totally illegal but hasn’t seen any JCBs come and demolish the bungalows of our wealthy. The headline of a May 2023 news item illustrates this perfectly: “Expedite call on Delhi’s Sainik Farms’ bid for regularisation: High Court”. Of course, the poor and especially Muslim poor are not given any such leeway. They’re subjected to forced eviction, which is the permanent or temporary removal of people against their will from the homes or land they occupy, without legal protections and other safeguards. Forced evictions are a violation of human rights, including but not limited to the right to adequate housing.

Under international human rights law, states must ensure that evictions only occur in exceptional circumstances, require full justification and the provision of adequate legal safeguards. None of that here in New India, of course.

In fact, India’s bulldozer demolitions are often instigated at the highest levels of government, with many state officials directly or indirectly calling for the use of bulldozers against Muslims. There is credible evidence to believe these demolitions are discriminatory and targeted as part of a hate campaign against Muslims in India. Rather than prevent discrimination towards Muslims, senior political leaders and officials have actively encouraged it.

During the April 2022 demolitions in Delhi, BJP spokesman G.V.L. Narasimha defined JCB as “Jihadi Control Board”, in a now-deleted tweet.

The discrimination shows elsewhere too. A year-and-a-half since the demolitions that Amnesty documented, despite the financial hardships created by the loss of their homes and businesses, victims continue to wait for justice with legal cases pending in courts. To date, the courts have failed to address punitive demolitions with the scale and urgency required by the prevailing situation, enabling the Indian authorities to continue tearing down people’s homes and businesses in other areas with widespread impunity.

This must be seen in conjunction with the creation of quasi-judicial tribunals in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh which have provided prompt relief to Hindus who suffered losses due to the preceding violence while Muslim victims of the violence and following demolitions continue to struggle for justice.

The “Routes of Wrath” report concludes that while there have been earlier phases of communal violence in India, which entrenched cycles of violence, segregation and generated lasting barriers to socio-economic mobility for Indian Muslims in particular, they did not undermine State control over society or its authority over institutions in the manner that is being seen today.

Coordination between Hindutva outfits, and the police and district administration, means combining an extreme ideological entity with the civil service.

What can be observed is that the relationship between them has become institutionalised in many parts, sustaining a violently undemocratic model of governance that is anathema to the rule of law.

In a letter to the prime minister [Narendra Modi] in April 2022, more than 100 retired senior civil servants stated that the administration of law has become the means by which the minorities, particularly Muslims, can be kept in a state of perpetual fear. They said facilitation and support for communal frenzy was being provided at all levels of the administration — from local police and administrative officials to the highest political levels in state and Central governments. “While the actual commission of violence may be outsourced to fringe groups, there is little doubt as to how the ground for their operations is made fertile, how each of them follows a master script and shares a common ‘tool kit’ and how the propaganda machinery of a party as well as the State is made available to them to defend their actions”, the retired bureaucrats had written.

Finally, the Citizens and Lawyers Initiative report concludes: “The available evidence corroborates statements by civil society groups, lawyers, academics and activists, that India has now reached a stage of perpetual violence.”

Courtesy: The Wire

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