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Pakistan's Support to Kashmir

Kashmir solution in line with UN resolutions key to regional peace: President Zardari

Support to struggling Kashmiris, Palestinians reiterated


Islamabad: The President of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari has said that resolving the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions is the key to durable peace in South Asia.

According to Kashmir Media Service, President Asif Ali Zardari was speaking at the parade in Islamabad on the occasion of Pakistan Day, today.

The Pakistan’s president said, “In our region, one of the main reasons for instability is the Indian illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir”. “The Kashmiri people have been demanding their right of self-determination for 76 years” he added.

“We condemn the brutalities, human rights violations carried out by the Indian government against innocent and unarmed Kashmiri people.”

He reminded the people of Kashmir that Pakistan will always stand by them in their just struggle against tyranny and asked the international community to ensure the implementation of the UNSC resolutions on Kashmir.

With regards to humanitarian catastrophes unfolding in Gaza, Asif Ali Zardari appealed to the international community to ensure the killing of innocent Palestinians is immediately halted, a ceasefire is announced and a humanitarian corridor is opened at priority.

“Pakistan will continue to support the people of Palestine till the resolution of Palestine issued as per their aspirations of their people”, he added.

Asif Ali Zardari emphasised that Pkaistan is a peace-loving country and a responsible nuclear state who wants relations with all its neighbours.

“However, let me make it clear that we will not compromise on our sovereignty. Our nation and armed forces are always ready to respond to any aggresion at all times. We will not tolerate any efforts by terrorists or any group to destabilise our country,” he said.

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