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Two Muslim youths die in collision with vehicle in BJP leader’s convoy

Gonda: Two Muslim young men were killed in a collision with a vehicle belonging to the leader of Indian ruling Bharatiya Janata Party in Uttar Pradesh state.

According to Kashmir Media Service, a vehicle of the ruling party BJP leader’s convoy of hit and crushed to death two Muslim youths near Huzurpur Railway Crossing in Gonda.

The ill-fated Muslim youths were identified as Rehan and Javed who were on a motorcycle coming from the opposite direction.

Both the young men were seriously hit and injured in the accidents and succomb to the injuries and died as the collision was so severe that both the youths died on the spot. Two pedestrians were also injured in the collision.

According to the police, the BJP leader has not been identified, but the vehicle that caused the accident is registered in the name of Nandini Nagar Institute, which is owned by BJP leader Brij Bhushan Singh.

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