
‘Every Kashmiri feels suffocated in IIOJK’s fear and terror atmosphere’


Islamabad: Every Kashmiri feels suffocated in an atmosphere of fear and terror in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

A report released by Kashmir Media Service, today, said people in IIOJK continue to live in dire situations created by more than 1 million Indian troops.

It deplored that the Modi regime had set new records of rights violations in the territory in the last over four years and had turned it into a giant open-air prison.

The report said the Modi regime has trampled all basic rights of the people in IIOJK as it subjects the common man to brutal repression during daily cordons, searches and raids.

It lamented that the Indian authorities were randomly arresting civilians in the occupied territory, invoking black laws against them.

The report said that Modi and his henchmen must know that their cruel methods against the Kashmiris were bound to backfire as the Kashmiris were determined to continue to fight Indian occupation against all odds.

It said the world should come forward in a big way to rescue beleaguered people in IIOJK, adding the UN must fulfill its responsibility with regard to the lingering Kashmir dispute.

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