
Experts debunk India’s claims of Pakistani involvement in Kashmir freedom movement


Srinagar: Experts on the Kashmir dispute have rejected India’s claims of Pakistani involvement in the ongoing Kashmir freedom movement, describing them as a desperate attempt to deflect attention from the indigenous nature of the struggle.

According to Kashmir Media Service, “The Indian government’s allegations are a clear disregard for the facts on the ground,” said one expert. “The recent actions by freedom fighters in Southern Jammu’s Doda region have created a dilemma for Indian forces, and their response only highlights the desperation of the Indian government.”

The experts highlighted that the Kashmir freedom movement has long been a grassroots struggle, driven by local aspirations for self-determination. They noted that besides suppression of freedom sentiments, the deteriorating law and order situation and ineffective governance in occupied Jammu and Kashmir are driving the locals to resist the oppressive rule.

“The Indian government’s attempt to label this resistance as ‘foreign-funded militancy’ is a clear attempt to deflect attention from their own failures,” said another expert.

“Despite investing heavily in Anti-Infiltration Observation Systems (AIOS), including surveillance cameras, thermal scanning, and infrared walls along the Line of Control (LoC), Working Boundary (WB), and International Border (IB), Indian authorities continue to allege infiltration by freedom fighters from Pakistan. However, these claims are contradicted by the occupying forces’ ongoing hunt for local freedom fighters, as evidenced by wanted posters circulating on social media and displayed in districts like Doda and Kishtwar” he said.

The experts also pointed out that the Indian government’s narrative fails to address the legitimate grievances and aspirations of the Kashmiri people. “The claims of Pakistani involvement are baseless and serve only to distract from the core issues at hand,” said one analyst. “It’s time for the Indian government to acknowledge the indigenous nature of the Kashmir freedom movement and engage in meaningful dialogue to address the region’s long-standing concerns.”

These comments come in the wake of Indian forces presenting two local individuals, identified as freedom fighters or overground workers, on media. However, no tangible evidence has been provided to substantiate the involvement of any Pakistani nationals, further undermining the Indian government’s accusations.

As the situation in the occupied territory remains tense, experts urge a reassessment of India’s approach, emphasizing that genuine peace and stability can only be achieved through addressing the root causes of the unrest and respecting the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

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