
Jammu & Pulwama residents protest IIOJK authorities’ apathy

Jammu: In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the residents of Jammu and Pulwama are up in arms against the authorities, condemning their gross negligence and failure to meet even the most basic civic needs.

According to Kashmir Media Service, in Jammu’s Nanak Nagar, the residents of Sector No. 7 staged a protest demanding immediate action on the widening and repair of a severely clogged nallah (drain).

The protesters said that the overflowing drainwater has wreaked havoc on their daily lives, inundating homes, damaging household gadgets, and creating a hazardous environment ripe for disease-carrying mosquitoes. The constant stench and toxic fumes emanating from the nallah have only compounded their misery, they added.

“We are suffering terribly due to the blockage in the nallah, but the concerned officials refuse to listen to our grievances. Their indifference has left us with no choice but to protest on the streets,” said one of the protestors, pointing to the authorities’ blatant disregard for the well-being of the people.

Similarly, in Pulwama’s Teli Mohalla Patal Bagh, residents have been enduring an acute shortage of potable water for over six months. Despite making repeated appeals to the water department and visiting various offices, their desperate pleas have gone unanswered.

Hamida, an elderly resident, expressed her frustration in a media interview, saying, “We have been suffering from a severe water crisis since February 2024, and despite our numerous appeals, the issue remains unresolved.”

The protests in both Jammu and Pulwama underscore a broader pattern of neglect by authorities in IIOJK, where the basic needs of the people are continually ignored, forcing them to take to the streets to demand their rights. The indifference of the New Delhi-installed administration towards these fundamental issues reflects a concerning trend of anti-people policies, further exacerbating the challenges faced by the people in the occupied territory.

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