IIOJK in focus

Unmasking India’s fake celebrations in IIOJK

Srinagar: For years, India has attempted to project a false narrative of normalcy and celebrations in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir on August 15th, India’s Independence Day. However, the truth is far from it.

According to Kashmir Media Service, in 2019, India revoked Article 370, which granted special status to occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Since then, the territory has been under strict military control, with locals facing severe restrictions on movement, communication, and assembly.

Despite this, India has consistently tried to showcase fake celebrations in IIOJK, using police officials, government department officials, and even forcing locals to participate in “Tranga rallies” under the watchful eyes of one million occupied forces’ personnel.

However, the reality is starkly different. Locals have consistently resisted these forced celebrations, and many have taken to social media to expose the truth.

In 2020, a video went viral showing Indian forces coercing locals into participating in a rally in Baramulla. Similarly, in 2022, a photo of a deserted street in Srinagar on August 15th was shared widely, contradicting India’s claims of grand celebrations.

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