APHC leadership in jail extends warm wishes to Pakistan on Independence Day

Srinagar: The jailed leadership of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has felicitated the people and Government of Pakistan on the eve of their 77th Independence Day, to be observed on August 14.

According to Kashmir Media Service, APHC Chairman Massrat Alam Butt, in a message sent from New Delhi’s Tihar Jail and issued in Srinagar, extended his warmest wishes to the Pakistani nation. He expressed gratitude to Pakistan for its continued political, moral, and diplomatic support to the Kashmir cause.

Senior APHC leader Shabbir Ahmad Shah, in a message from Tihar Jail, termed the Kashmir dispute an unfinished agenda of the partition of the Indian subcontinent. He emphasized that the dream of a vibrant, stable, and prosperous Pakistan would remain elusive unless Kashmir was freed from Indian rule and made part of Pakistan.

Incarcerated APHC leader Nayeem Ahmad Khan, in his message from Tihar Jail, expressed the oppressed people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir’s (IIOJK) gratitude to Pakistan for its unwavering support to their just struggle for self-determination. He expressed optimism that the incumbent government would highlight the Kashmir dispute and Indian atrocities in IIOJK at all international forums.

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