
Old Indian Hypocrisy Reflective of Modi’s Ukraine trip

Ishfaqullah Shawl

This is not new for sane people of world that Indian leadership has always played hypocritic games and caused hell for its own people as well as world over.

Though there are thousands of examples to be cited here regarding the hypocritic role of Indian leadership but the recent visit of Indian premier Narendra Modi to Ukraine on August 23 which was done after his visit to Russia where Modi signed many MoUs with Russia which is at loggerheads with Ukraine and the situation is a little different than Indian illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir.

The difference is that Ukraine is blaming Russia for occupying its territory it is yet to prove as the two countries enter into full-fledged war. The same is situation that India has illegally occupied a major part of Jammu and Kashmir state was back over seven decades which is enshrined in United Nations Security Council Resolutions as well as Indian Constitutions is accepting the right of self determination of Kashmiri people and India’s first Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru himself time and against talked to hold plebiscite In Kashmir and allow Kashmiris to exercise their right of self determination.

This was beginning of Indian hypocrisy on Kashmir issue and still it is continue and Narendra Modi who is claiming to bring peace between Russia and Ukraine himself moved a step forward by abrogating the Indian Constitution Article 370 and 35A that was allowing special status of Jammu and Kashmir.

Speaking ahead of his arrival in Kyiv how shameful was it for Modi to call Moscow and Kyiv to find a path to peace “as soon as possible”. This is height of Indian hypocrisy that a person is asking two countries to bring peace who is internationally known as war monger as he is in war with all his neighbors like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives and Nepal besides he is snatched the basic rights of his own people either in illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir or Sikhs of Khalistan while more than ten Indian states are not ready to remain with India but the so-called champion of peace is using Indian military might not only Kashmiri people but against Khalistan, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Nagaland, Maizoram, Tripora and Manipur.

The so-called peace preacher should reply why Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka are scared of its military might and raised voice against India in United Nations.

During his Russia visit Modi signed defence pacts with Russia just to flex its muscle to be used against its neighbors like Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and others south Asian nations just to appear as regional power but after ending Russia visit Modi was well aware of its reflection from United States of America and he took another hypocritic turn and visited Ukraine just to please the US and Europe.

Modi during his Kyiv visit talked to President Velodymyr Zelenskiy on ways to find a peaceful resolution to the war triggered by Russia’s unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine two and a half years ago. One has to ask Modi the purchase of Russian oil is not strengthening Russian economy which is going against Ukraine.

It is should be ascertained that India after Modi’s visit to Russia came under fire from some Western countries and Indian diplomats arranged Kyiv and Warsaw visit of this super-hypocrite just to please Europe and the US

During his visit to Kyiv Modi was well aware of deadly Russian missile attack on a children’s hospital in Kyiv that elicited harsh international condemnation but he did not dare to say a single word on this.

Indian premier Modi’s statements made in Russia and Ukraine are totally shocking for conscience keepers around the globe as they are thinking that how a person is talking about peace as he is using all means to suppress its neighboring countries.
“I look forward to the opportunity to…share perspectives on peaceful resolution of the ongoing Ukraine conflict, as a friend and partner, we hope for an early return of peace and stability in the region.”

The Political Pundits are looking towards Modi who has no shame of talking about the things which never believe.

How Modi is demanding balancing act between Russia and Ukraine when he himself is totally imbalanced who is not ready to give basic rights to Muslims, Christian, Sikhs, Buddhists and even low Caste Hindus known as Dalits and Adivasis. The Hindutva goons all over Indian are at liberty to kill any Muslim or Christian for no reason even it a Hindutva goon levels an allegation of cow slaughtering on a Muslim, then without any pause Muslim and his whole family can be killed. While on the other hand height of Indian hypocrisy is that India is one of the biggest beef exporters across the globe as during last seven months of current year 2024 India exported 1500 Metric-ton beef while only in 2017 it has exported 1800 Metric ton beef. The year wise figure shows 1800 MT in 2016, 1600 MT in 2018, but for no reason Muslims are being killed for slaughtering cow (the Holy Mother of Indian Hindus who are even using urine and dung of this holy mother. But huge foreign exchange is being earned by slaughtering cow.

The question arises for the world conscience keepers are till how they remain silent over the Indian hypocrisy just because India is a big market of 1.4 billion people even if Indian companies are exporting spices contaminated with worst chemicals.

When the world will rise to crush this notorious Indian regime. Let’s wait….

–-The writer is a working journalist and can be reached at

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