IIOJK in focus

Mirwaiz prevented from participating in mass nikah ceremony in Srinagar

Srinagar: Indian occupation authorities prevented senior APHC leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq from participating in a mass marriage event in Srinagar, Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, where 60 orphan girls were solemnized in Nikah.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the event organized by the Al Noor Trust aimed to solemnize the Nikah ceremony of 60 orphan girls.

As Mirwaiz continues to remain under house arrest since September 2, he virtually addressed the event. In his virtual address, Mirwaiz commended the efforts of the Trust and its chairman, Shabir Ahmed Rather, for their selfless work in organizing the event. He emphasized the importance of simplicity in marriages, stressing that Nikah is an act of worship in Islam, not a commercial exercise.

Mirwaiz urged the attendees to support such initiatives and follow Islamic traditions of simplicity, avoiding wasteful show-offs and extravagant displays of wealth in marriages. He expressed disappointment at being unable to attend the event in person, condemning the government’s actions as “unfortunate” and “repressive.”

The mass marriage event, a rare display of community spirit in the valley, was a testament to the resilience of the Kashmiri people. Despite the challenges posed by Mirwaiz’s house arrest, the event went ahead, with the virtual address serving as a powerful symbol of resistance against government restrictions.

The Al Noor Trust’s initiative has been widely praised for its efforts to promote social welfare and community development in Kashmir. The event highlighted the importance of collective efforts in addressing social issues and promoting Islamic values.

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