IIOJK in focus

India’s false flag operations against Pakistan, Kashmir revealed


Srinagar: India has a history of orchestrating false flag operations to tarnish Pakistan’s reputation and undermine the freedom struggle in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the Uri attack, which occurred eight years ago, is a prime example, where India claimed four heavily armed militants attacked the army’s 12 Brigade headquarters in Uri, Baramulla, killing 17 troops. However, defense experts now believe this was a deliberate attempt to defame Pakistan and the Kashmir movement.

This incident is not an isolated one, as India has been staging similar attacks to justify military action against Pakistan. The Pulwama attack in 2019 is another instance, where India’s war rhetoric and false flag operations led to a short-lived military engagement between the two nations.

Experts argue that these operations are designed to create a war-like situation, diverting attention from India’s state terrorism in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The lack of a peacemaking process between India and Pakistan only adds to the danger, making the region vulnerable to further violence.

It’s crucial to recognize the pattern of false flag operations and their implications on regional stability. By understanding the motivations behind these attacks, we can better address the ongoing tensions between India and Pakistan.

As tensions rise, defense experts urge the international community to take notice of India’s false flag operations and hybrid warfare tactics.

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