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IIOJK in focus

Hurriyat leaders reiterate call for self-determination, slam India’s Intransigence


Srinagar: In a renewed push for resolution of the Kashmir dispute, Hurriyat leaders have reaffirmed the need for self-determination, emphasizing that lasting peace in South Asia hinges on settling the Kashmir dispute in its historical context.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the leaders in their statements issued in Srinagar contended that India’s obstinacy jeopardizes peace in South Asia and globally. They also criticized Indian Prime Minister Modi’s August 5, 2019, actions as violating UN resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir.

They said, for decades, Kashmiris have awaited fulfillment of their fundamental right to self-determination in the light of the UN’s January 5 resolution roadmap as solution to the Kashmir dispute, but always impeded its implementation.

The leaders urged the world community to urgently intervene to implement the UN resolutions to resolve the Kashmir dispute according to Kashmiris’ aspirations.

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