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IIOJK in focus

CIK conducts raids in Islamabad and Kulgam districts of IIOJK

Srinagar: The Counter Intelligence Kashmir (CIK) wing of the Indian police has carried out a series of raids across multiple locations in the Islamabad and Kulgam districts of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, CIK teams targeted District Jail Mattan in Islamabad, as well as the areas of Sonigam and Chawalgam in Kulgam. The raids were still ongoing at the time of reporting.

While the occupation authorities have attempted to provide a legal basis for these actions, claiming the searches were conducted under the authority of search warrants issued by a competent court, their true objective appears to be intimidation. Indian officials justified the raids as part of an ongoing investigation into alleged ‘militant’ activity. However, the primary goal is to harass and intimidate those who are supporting Kashmiris’ struggle for the inalienable right to self-determination.

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