
Report questions India’s Army Day in IIOJK amid blatant rights abuses


Srinagar: While India marks its Army Day with pomp and pride, its occupation troops are continuing brutal oppression of the Kashmiri people in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

According to a report released by Kashmir Media Service in connection with the day, the celebrations stand in stark contrast to the daily realities faced by Kashmiris, who have endured decades of violence, extrajudicial killings, and human rights abuses at the hands of Indian troops.

Since January 1989, Indian forces have killed 96,388 Kashmiris, including women and children, through staged encounters, fake killings, and violent military operations.

The Indian Army’s actions in IIOJK include widespread use of torture, sexual violence, and systematic abuse of civilians. Despite global condemnation and extensive documentation by international human rights organizations, Indian troops continue to operate with impunity, turning IIOJK into a killing field.

The report further emphasizes that the Indian Army’s training and operations are geared towards suppressing the Kashmiri people’s legitimate struggle for self-determination. Staged encounters and extrajudicial killings have become routine tactics to crush dissent and terrorize the local population.

The KMS report questioned the justification for celebrating Army Day while Indian troops commit heinous crimes in occupied Kashmir. It called for global human rights bodies and the international community to hold Indian soldiers accountable for their war crimes and atrocities in IIOJK.

The horrifying face of the Indian Army is exposed daily in IIOJK, underscoring the need for urgent international intervention to end the bloodshed and oppression inflicted on the Kashmiri people.

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