IIOJK in focus

IIOJK youth brutally tortured in Indian army custody; Mehbooba denounces act

Srinagar: Another distressing episode of human rights abuse has surfaced in occupied Jammu and Kashmir as Mushtaq Ahmad Ganie, a Kashmiri youth, fell victim to brutal torture in the custody of the Indian army in Pulwama district.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Mushtaq Ahmad was picked up by Indian troops and transported to the Kanchloo camp in the Niginpora area of Kund. There, he endured severe brutality at the hands of Indian army personnel.

Mushtaq, whose brother was martyred years ago, found himself targeted due to his familial association with the deceased. His brother’s martyrdom had cast a long shadow over his life. However, Mushtaq’s only crime was being the brother of a Kashmiri youth who had been martyred.

Mehbooba Mufti, President of the Peoples Democratic Party, took to social media and issued a statement in Srinagar, expressing her deep concern over Mushtaq’s ordeal.

Mufti underscored that Mushtaq’s suffering is not an isolated incident but reflects a broader pattern of atrocities inflicted upon the occupied territory’s inhabitants by Indian forces. “The incident doesn’t stand in isolation and is actually one of many where such atrocities are being normalised and committed by men in uniforms on a regular basis.”

She demanded accountability, urging justice not only for Mushtaq but for all those who have faced similar atrocities at the hands of the Indian occupation army.

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