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Indian diaspora in fear: Modi govt’s secret war on critics revealed


Washington: A shocking investigation by US-based Vox Media has exposed the Narendra Modi-led Indian government’s systematic suppression of critical voices, including journalists, activists, and minority communities.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the report reveals a climate of fear and intimidation, with the Modi government using tactics like harassment, surveillance, and digital threats to silence dissent.

The story of Kashmiri journalist Raqib Naik, who fled to the US after facing harassment and threats, highlights New Delhi’ efforts to stifle free press and independent reporting. Naik’s father was also targeted, even after Naik left Kashmir, demonstrating the government’s willingness to go to great lengths to silence critics.

The investigation reveals a pattern of transnational repression, with the Indian government attempting to silence critics beyond its borders. Naik faced anonymous threats and surveillance in the US, underscoring the global reach of the government’s intimidation tactics.

The report also exposes the digital harassment faced by many who oppose the BJP’s policies, including a flood of hateful messages and threats on social media. This online vitriol is part of a coordinated effort to intimidate and discredit dissenting voices.

The involvement of US authorities, including the FBI, in Naik’s case highlights the severity of the threats against him and international concern about India’s attempts to silence its critics.

The report concludes that it’s time to hold the BJP-led government accountable for its actions and unite to protect the fundamental rights of journalists, activists, and minority communities, ensuring that democracy and justice prevail.

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