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Human Rights

FoKI expresses concern over double standards of world towards Kashmir, Palestine

Islamabad: Vice Chairman of Friends of Kashmir International (FoKI) Abdul Hameed Lone has said that the United Nations has completely failed to resolve the longstanding issues of Kashmir and Palestine.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Abdul Hameed Lone addressing a conference organized by Anjuman Talaba e Islam (ATI) in Islamabad said, “Although both the issues are internationally recognized and the UN Security Council has many resolutions passed for the resolution of the two disputes”.

“Unfortunately the world is giving priority to its interests and has forgotten ethics, humanity and human values”, Lone said and added that Indian forces have committed serious violations of human rights in Kashmir and Indian rulers and military officials are involved in war crimes in disputed territory.

While addressing the students in the participants of the conference Lone said that silance adopted by international community is point of concern for peace-loving people across the globe. “We are very disappointed with the role of the United Nations, its organs and world community which have set its own standards.

He also criticized the negative role played by OIC and Muslim World towards Kashmir and Palestinian issue saying that Musli, world if play role both the issues will be resolved in short span of time. He praised the effprts being made by Pakistan and asked Muslim leadership across the globe to take bold stance on Kashmior and Palestine.

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