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Kashmiri Pandit donates to Bohrikadal fire victims in a show of communal harmony

Srinagar: In a heartfelt gesture of communal harmony and support, Satish Mahaldar, a Kashmiri Pandit residing in Delhi, has donated money to assist the victims of the recent Bohrikadal fire in Srinagar district of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Mahaldar, an engineering alumnus, said that his primary motivation was to help those in dire need. “In this devastating fire, I saw people of all ages, including men, women, children, and the elderly, losing their shelters,” Mahaldar said.

Despite acknowledging the limited nature of his donation, he added, “I know Rs 25,000 is not a substantial amount, and it cannot rebuild a house. However, it is a token of love for those Kashmiri people who lost their homes.”

Reflecting on the past, Mahaldar noted that Pandits and Muslims used to share each other’s problems and joys. He urged everyone to come forward and assist in whatever capacity they can. “Every bit counts, and together, we can make a difference,” he said.

The fire at Bohrikadal has left many families devastated, with significant losses of property and shelter. Efforts for rehabilitation and support on a community basis have been ongoing, with various individuals and organizations stepping forward to provide aid. However, the occupation authorities have been notably absent.

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