
5 August black day for Kashmiris

Muhmmad Sultan Butt


August 5 is one of the most tragic, painful and catastrophic days in the modern history of Kashmir. It was the day when Hindutva forces in flagrant and blatant violation of international law and UN resolutions scrapped special status and deprived Kashmiris of all political, social, cultural, economic, religious and all other basic rights laid down in the UN human rights charter. The main objective of the ulterior move was to impose Hindutva ideology on Kashmiris and wipe out Muslims forever.

It was the unfortunate day when the Hindutva regime with its all military might, resources and institutions attacked Kashmir and usurped their basic rights. Indian government, administration, parliament, its one million troops, dozens of probe institutions, intelligence agencies and even its anti-Muslim and pro-Hindu judiciary have joined hands to conquer Kashmiris and make it part of Hindu Rashtra.

It is a day of mourning for Kashmiris as the tragedy of scrapping of special status was the worst dacoity, biggest robbery and attack on the unique identity, culture, and basic rights of Kashmiris and this backstabbing act will have catastrophic effects on the future of Kashmir.

Kashmiris living on both sides of the Line of Control and world over on this day every year organize protests, rallies and arrange other programmes to invite attention of the world community towards unabated Hindutva terrorism in Kashmir. India has deployed over one million trigger happy troops and turned Kashmir into a gigantic prison and world’s largest militarized region and torture chamber. Since 2019 every inch of Kashmir is dotted with trigger happy troops and Kashmir is reeling under constant siege for the past five years. Indian troops equipped with sweeping powers under Armed Forces Special Act and other draconian laws are marauding and brutalizing Kashmiris with atrocious vengeance.

These cannibal forces have committed heinous crimes like systimatic genocide, brutal torture, random arrests, enforced disappearances, arson and rape of women to punish Kashmiris for demanding their fundamental and basic right of self-determination. For the past 35 years Indian forces have butchered nearly one hundred thousand Kashmiris irrespective of age and gender, thousands have been crippled through brutal torture, hundreds have been blinded through pellet, teargas shelling and Pawa shells.

Thousands including APHC leaders, journalists, human rights activists and women have been put behind bars. Over ten thousand Kashmiris, mostly youth have disappeared by Indian forces custody. The near and dear ones of these disappeared are running from pillar to post but to no avail. Rape of women is used as a weapon of war to humiliate and intimidate Kashmiris. It is practiced as an official government policy. Since 1989 over 13 thousand women have been raped or gang raped by devil Indian forces. In order to cripple the Kashmiris economically over 5 hundred structures have been erased to ground or burnt to ashes by Indian forces. These horrible crimes are clear proof that India is hell bent to annihilate Kashmiris and occupy their land.

After abolition of special status of Kashmir, Indian state terrorism has taken an ugly turn and atrocities have increased manifold. Since 5 August 2019 occupation forces have butchered over 800 Kashmiris. More than 25 thousand have been arrested and are rotting in Indian jails under different concocted cases. Besides this, Indian dreaded agencies like NIA, SIA and SIU wreaked havoc and confiscated the properties of hundreds of pro-freedom leaders and activists. In addition to that, properties of thousands of Kashmiris were demolished under different excuses by Indian authorities. The motive behind the sealing and demolition of properties is to intimidate Kashmiris and force them into submission. This is the same colonial policy which Israel is using in Palestine to deprive them of their land and force them to migrate.

August 5 immoral and unconstitutional act has impacted every walk of life besides causing loss of billions of dollars to Kashmir economy. The unending and crippling siege has shattered and devastated the already fragile economy of Kashmir and deprived thousands of Kashmiris from their livelihood and jobs.

The RSS regime led by butcher Modi is hell bent to wipe out Muslims, turn Kashmir into a graveyard and settle non-state Hindus in the disputed region. Issuing domicile to thousands of Indian Hindu fanatics and allotting them Kashmiri land and appointing them to high positions is a deep-rooted conspiracy to settle outsiders in Kashmir and enslave and colonize local Kashmiris. This Zionist policy is aimed at snatching everything from Kashmiris and forcing them to flee. But five years of constant siege, brutal tactics and conspiracies have failed to break the will of Kashmiris.

Despite using all brutal methods at its disposal to crush the popular voice of Kashmiris, India has failed to conquer Kashmiris, and their passion for freedom is getting momentum with each passing day. Kashmiris have dashed all the hopes of Hindutva elements to ground and forced them to lick the dust. Indian callous attitude has further solidified the belief of Kashmiris that India is their worst enemy and their lives, honor, future, religious identity, culture, and everything is at stake under Indian subjugation. Unarmed but resilient and valiant Kashmiris have defeated world sixth military power through their determination, steadfastness and indomitable spirit.

Kashmiris have shattered the dream of RSS and again proved that they are invincible, they can be killed but not defeated. Their morale is as high as the Himalayas. India has held them hostage on the basis of over one million troops but India must remember that if it deploys all its troops in Kashmiris still shameful and humiliating defeat is its destiny. The unprecedented resolve shown by Kashmiris is the writing on the wall for India that no power on earth can crush the Kashmiris’ legitimate freedom movement. It is in the interest of India to shun its obduracy and accept Kashmiris right to self-determination.

Pakistan’s unequivocal, unflinching and consistent support to Kashmiris’ freedom movement is also a source of strength and encouragement for Kashmiris who are confronting Indian state terrorism in its worst form. Pakistan is the real ambassador and benefactor of Kashmiris who is advocating the Kashmir cause at all international forums. India has been trying to destabilize Pakistan since its inception. It has imposed many wars on Pakistan in the past for supporting Kashmiris. Even today India is sponsoring, supporting and abetting terrorism in Pakistan to weaken it. The recent threat by Indian PM Modi in Drass and other Indian leaders speak volumes of Indian animosity .But despite Indian aggression, threats and conspiracies Pakistan stands firm on its principled stand regarding Kashmir. It has always given befitting replies to India and forced them to lick dust.

Pakistan’s unwavering support to Kashmiris is a source of strength and it infuses new impetus in the freedom movement. Kashmiris pray for prosperity of Pakistan, as strong and prosperous Pakistan is guaranteed to the success of Kashmir freedom struggle. Kashmiris are indebted to Pakistan for its solid and consistent support. Kashmiris hope that Pakistan will not only continue its political, moral and diplomatic support but also expedite its efforts for the permanent and honorable solution in accordance with the UN resolutions and aspirations of Kashmiri masses.

(The writer is vice chairman Insaf Party & APHC AJK chapter leader)

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