
Jammu and Kashmir faces worst political vendetta, state terrorism

96,343 people killed by Indian troops in last 35 years


Srinagar: Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) remains under military and police siege as the world marks the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism, today.

A report by Kashmir Media Service’s Research Section reveals that the Narendra Modi-led Indian government has intensified state terrorism and political injustice in IIOJK since August 5, 2019, when New Delhi revoked the territory’s special status.

The report highlights alarming statistics:
– 96,343 people killed by Indian troops in the last 35 years
– 22,977 women widowed, 107,965 children orphaned since 1989
– 11,264 women molested; 110,518 structures destroyed by Indian troops since 1989

Indian troops have transformed Kashmir into a living nightmare for its residents. Since 1947, Kashmir has been suffering under Indian state-sponsored terrorism. The international community must demand accountability from India for its war crimes in IIOJK. The suffering of Kashmiris cannot be ignored, and the world must not remain silent.

The report condemns Modi’s government for institutionalizing terrorism as state policy in IIOJK and demands prosecution of Indian troops for committing state terrorism. It urges the global community to act urgently to stop the oppression of Kashmiris, a crime against humanity that demands justice.

The report notes that anti-Muslim hatred has increased in IIOJK since the BJP came to power in India in 2014. However, the worst kind of Indian repression has failed to break the Kashmiris’ resolve, and they are determined to continue their struggle for freedom.

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