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Kashmiri diaspora

Kashmir Global Council denounces Indian unfounded allegations

Mirpur ( AJK), Jan 04 (KMS) : US-based Kashmir Global Council (KGC) has categorically refuted the baseless allegations made by India against its President, Farooq Siddiqi and Board Director Raja Muzaffar Khan.

“The Council firmly asserts that Farooq Siddiqi has been wrongly indicted in these cases, as the allegations lack any credible evidence and appear to be a deliberate attempt to obstruct KGCs tireless efforts towards achieving a peaceful and inclusive political process in Kashmir, through early peaceful solution of the much delayed Kashmir issue in line with international norms and commitments”, says a message reaching from Toronto, New York and released to the media here on Thursday.

“The KGC categorically rejects these unfounded Indian accusations and emphasizes that its actions have consistently been driven by a genuine desire to advocate for the rights and aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. The authorities must recognize the ulterior motives behind these charges and ensure that justice prevails by dismissing these baseless allegations”, the statement said.

“Furthermore, Raja Muzaffar, a Board Director of KGC, denied the allegations of plotting for the revival of the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) and any involvement in such activities. He expresseddeep distress over the targeted revenge against the family of Farooq Siddiqi about this matter, highlighting the need for fairness and protection of innocent individuals affected by these false claims”, it said.

“The arrests made in IIOJK in July last year. supposedly establishing a presumptive case against the accused, have been deemed entirely baseless by the council. KGC urges the Indian authorities to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation, free from any political bias or ulterior motives, to ensure that justice is served and the truth prevails”, the statement urged.

“The Kashmir Global Council remains resolute in its commitment to fostering dialogue, promoting peace, and advancing the legitimate aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir only through the peaceful settlement of the Kashmir conflict without further delay”, it said. “The council called upon all stakeholders, both regional and international, to support its efforts in facilitating a just and lasting resolution to the Kashmir issue” the message concluded.

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