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5 Feb Kashmir Solidarity Day: Call for Strengthening Pakistan’s Kashmir Policy

Qirat Mirza

Kashmir solidarity day is observed every year on 5 February in Pakistan to support the freedom struggle of Kashmiris in Indian Illegally occupied Kashmir. Kashmir solidarity day was observed in 1990, first time in history when Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif called the nation to observe the day for the succession of the freedom fighter movement. Later, the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) announced a public holiday on 5th February to express solidarity with Kashmir.

This day is observed as a holiday all over the country, involving the orchestration of conferences, seminars, rallies at political level in various parts of the country. Additionally, special events are arranged at the school and college levels to make students aware of the importance of the day. During these events, students represent Kashmiri culture and show their solidarity with the people of Kashmir.

Kashmir has been under brutal occupation of India for 75 years since partition. Despite United Nations resolutions calling for the contemplation of the will of Kashmir in deciding disposition of the state, people of Kashmir are deprived of their rightful rights. For instance, UNSCR 38(1948) and 122 (1957) clearly stated that any change in J&K would be informed immediately to the security council and any action by IIOJ&K to change the status or shape of the region would not represent the disposition of the state as per the resolutions of UNSC. India’s attempt to amalgamate the territory of Kashmir into the Indian Union by revoking Article 370 and 35, which guaranteed special autonomy status to the territory on August 5, 2019, was an ostensible violation of United Nations resolutions.

Since 1989, the Indian forces in occupied territories have been responsible for the deaths of 96,000 Kashmiris, the widowing of approximately 23,000 women, the rape of over 11,250 women and girls, and the destruction of more than 100,000 homes, including schools and houses. As of 2019, there were approximately 700,000 Indian armed forces in the region, and this number increased by at least 35,000 before the August 2019 lockdown, which resulted in the unilateral revocation of Kashmir’s special status within the Indian Union. Due to a communication blackout and the erosion of the judiciary’s authority, it is challenging to ascertain the number and whereabouts of detained individuals, as some Kashmiris are being deported under administrative detention to various states, where some have died. Human rights activists and journalists are apprehended on false charges of terrorism, alleging links with terrorist organizations. By September 2020, about 600,000 domiciles were issued to people outside the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). India’s motivation for this action is believed to be a response to potential challenges, particularly if it has to hold a plebiscite in the future under international pressure, ensuring support from Hindus who might choose to align with India.

Furthermore, the genocide photos of the two Indian-origin soldiers posing in the Palestinian child’s bed after killing him raised serious apprehensions regarding the ethnic cleansing of Muslims in India and Kashmir. The Indian media itself endorsed the Indian forces’ act of abetting Israel in the fight against Hamas. S. Chakravorty (an Indian diplomat) said, ‘I don’t know why we don’t follow the Israeli model. If Israel can follow it in the Middle East, we can also do it in Kashmir.’ On one occasion in 2019, the Indian plan of genocide was revealed with the slip of the tongue of an Indian diplomat when he said India would adopt Israel’s model to ethnically cleanse Muslims and resettle the Hindu population in Kashmir. Additionally, an Indian priest appealed to Israel to let his followers in India join the fight because whatever cancer they are fighting with, India has been suffering from it for decades.

Pakistan has always supported the right of self-determination of the people of Kashmir and raised its concerns at the international level. In a recent visit to the USA on December 16, 2023, the Chief of Army Staff, General Asim Muneer, underscored the need to resolve the Kashmir conflict according to United Nations resolutions. Furthermore, in a recent move, the appointment of Meshal Malik, the wife of Kashmiri separatist movement leader Yasin Malik, as a Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on human rights is an attempt to revive the Kashmir agenda in the Prime Minister’s office of Pakistan.

This doesn’t stop here; Pakistan needs to rejuvenate its policy towards Kashmir. If India can invest in digital propaganda against Pakistan and Kashmir, Pakistan should develop a robust policy by making investments in Kashmir research institutes and literature work to provide researchers with incentives to keep highlighting the cause of Kashmir. They should also engage young people through workshops and intensive discussions – ensuring the process is inclusive of people with a range of different opinions and from different backgrounds.

Along with that, the youth of Pakistan should play its role in the Kashmir cause. The purpose of revoking Article 370 was to silence the voices of Kashmiris, and we should keep it alive by continuing to write about how India is adopting a Rashtra policy to ethnically cleanse Kashmiris, fortifying it with absurd verdicts based on political agendas rather than a legitimate cause. Namely, the Indian Supreme Court verdict on the revocation of Article 370 by the Indian government.

On September 20th, 2019, Kashmiri artists joined forces with British-Kashmiri artist Sumaya Teli and Kashmiri-American artist Nouf Bazaz to emphasize the theme “Resist to Exist.” This collaborative event aimed to spotlight the Kashmiri struggle against Indian occupation and militarization, advocating for the right to Kashmiri self-determination. The initiative gained widespread attention globally, reaching various parts of the world and serving as a means for youth to comprehend the Kashmir situation and the mistreatment of Kashmiri people by India.


The youth of Pakistan should also engage in dialogue on the Kashmir conflict by organizing seminars, conferences, and debating competitions at their respective institutes. Moreover, they should utilize social media platforms to connect with the Kashmiri diaspora and individuals actively involved in the Kashmir struggle. Hosting dialogues on Twitter spaces can help in continuously highlighting the Kashmir freedom struggle and sharing the stories of victims of the brutal Indian occupation there.

Over the past six to seven years, the Kashmir Conflict has witnessed a transformation through the influence of digital media, creating an environment that enables young researchers and activists to access information and grasp the intricacies of the conflict, while also championing the cause of freedom for future generations. Being a diplomatic supporter of Kashmir cause and a claimant of the territory, more efforts are requisite from Pakistan’s side.

– The writer is a student of International Relations at International Islamic University, Islamabad and is currently serving as an intern at Kashmir Institute of International Relations.

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