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Kashmir Solidarity Day

Pakistan’s diplomatic missions observe Kashmir Solidarity Day

Islamabad: The diplomatic missions of Pakistan across the world on Monday observed the Kashmir Solidarity Day to express support for the struggle of the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Kashmir (IIOJK) for their right to self-determination.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the Embassy of Pakistan in Abu Dhabi organized an event to mark the Kashmir Solidarity Day. A number of Pakistani and Kashmiri community members based in the United Arab Emirates attended the event.

Ambassador Faisal Niaz Tirmizi, in his remarks, paid tribute to the valiant people of the IIOJK and lauded their more than seven decades long efforts for the realization of the right to self-determination.

Condemning India’s unilateral and illegal actions in the IIOJK, he said that India’s atrocities could not deter the Kashmiri people from demanding their fundamental rights pursuant to the UN Security Council resolutions.

The representatives of the Kashmiri community also spoke on the occasion and shared their sentiments on the situation in the IIOJK, expressed concern over the Indian brutalities against innocent civilians and reaffirmed their commitment to pursue their struggle for the realization of the right to self determination.

A documentary was also screened at the event.

An event was also organized at the Embassy of Pakistan in Phnom Penh, Cambodia to mark the Kashmir Solidarity Day and to re-affirm solidarity with the Kashmiri people’s struggle for realization of their right to self-determination.

The Embassy of Pakistan in Hanoi, Vietnam, also organized a seminar to observe the Kashmir Solidarity Day and to express Pakistan’s unwavering support for the just struggle of the Kashmiri people for their inalienable right to self-determination.

Pakistan’s High Commission in Dhaka, Bangladesh also organized an event to observe “Kashmir Solidarity Day.” Members of the Pakistani diaspora, civil society and local media attended the event.

High Commissioner Syed Ahmed Maroof read the statements of Pakistani leadership and reaffirmed Pakistan’s unwavering moral, diplomatic and political support for the people of IIOJK.

He said that Pakistan would continue to raise its voice for the people of IIOJK at every forum.

A seminar and photo exhibition was held at Pakistan’s High Commission in Colombo, Sri Lanka to mark the Kashmir Solidarity Day.

Pictures depicting the human rights violations by Indian occupation forces in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK) were displayed at the venue as part of the photo exhibition. Digital videos exhibiting violence in IIOJK were also played during the seminar.

Pakistan’s Consulate General Melbourne, Australia, organized a Kashmir Solidarity Day event, which was addressed by the Consul General, Chairman Kashmir Council Europe Syed Ali Raza and renowned writer Ms Laura Schuurmans.

The event also included poems, speeches and tableaus by the students. The participants expressed solidarity with the Kashmiri people and stressed upon the international community to resolve the Kashmir dispute as per the UN resolutions.

Pakistan’s High Commission in New Zealand organized an event to observe the Kashmir Solidarity Day with the participation of Pakistani diaspora from all walks of life.

The Embassy of Pakistan in Azerbaijan also organized an event to observe the Kashmir Day. People from different walks of life joined the Embassy officials to mark the Day. Azerbaijan has always championed the cause of IIOJ&K at international fora.

Similarly, Pakistan’s Embassy in Spain also held an event in Valencia in this regard. Ambassador Shujaat Rathore reiterated Pakistan’s unwavering support to the just struggle of the Kashmiri brethren. A large number of Pakistanis, Kashmiris and Spanish attended the event.

In an event held at Pakistan’s Embassy in Tehran, Iran, Ambassador Mudassir highlighted brutal atrocities committed by the Indian occupation forces in Kashmir and reiterated the need for implementation of the UN resolutions.

Pakistan’s Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal organized a discussion programme on the Kashmir Solidarity Day.

Ambassador Abrar H Hashm emphasized the role and response of the international community in view of numerous UNSC resolutions promising the people of Jammu and Kashmir their right to self determination.

The Embassy of Pakistan in Tokyo, Japan also marked the Kashmir Solidarity Day where Pakistani community members, Kashmiris as well as Japanese media persons attended the event. Syed Faiz Naqshbandi, Convener of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, joined the event virtually.

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