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Article: Pakistan is benefactor and real ambassador of Kashmir

Muhammad Sultan Butt

The newly elected government led by Prime Minister Shebaz Sharif has reiterated Pakistan’s principal Stand and assured Kashmiris that Pakistan will continue its support to Kashmiris and Palestinian resistance movements. In his maiden speech after being elected as prime minister, he reiterated that Kashmiris are not alone but Pakistan will always stand with them. The people of Kashmir hailed the Pakistan PM statement and expressed hope that Pakistan will expedite its efforts for the permanent and just resolution of the dispute. The unwavering and unflinching support of Pakistan will definitely infuse new spirit and vigor in the freedom movement and it will further boost the morale of valiant Kashmiris fighting for a great cause.

It is an undeniable fact that Pakistan is the only country who provided political, moral, and diplomatic support to the just and legitimate struggle for self-determination since 1947. Pakistan has proved to be a real ambassador and benefactor of Kashmiris as Kashmir is the main pillar of its foreign policy and it is advocating the Kashmir cause at all regional and international forums. Pakistani consistent support is a source of strength and encouragement for the Kashmiri masses.

Pakistan is bound to provide support to the Kashmiris freedom movement as Kashmir is historically part of Pakistan. Pakistan is incomplete without Kashmir and it will only become complete when Kashmir is liberated from Indian occupation and merged with Pakistan. The letter K in Pakistan stands for Kashmir. The founder of Pakistan has rightly termed Kashmir as the juggler vein of Pakistan. Kashmiris also consider Kashmir as an integral part of Pakistan.

The accession to Pakistan Day resolution passed by the All J&K Muslims conference on 19 July 1947 is testimony to the fact that the hearts of Kashmiris and Pakistan throp in unison. Kashmir’s freedom struggle is basically a continuation of that movement which was led by the dynamic leadership of Quaid Azam for the separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent. Kashmiris and Pakistanis are tied in strong historical, cultural, religious, and geographical bonds. These time-tested relations have further strengthened and solidified with the passage of time.

Today when the Modi regime is hellbent on wiping out people and everything, even the existence of Kashmiris is at stake practical and concrete steps are needed to save Kashmiris from the Hindutva menace. Since 5 August 2019, Kashmiris have been under constant siege. Over one million trigger-happy troops are engaged in the systematic genocide of Kashmiris. These troops were equipped with sweeping powers committing horrible crimes against humanity. Killings, mass arrests, burning of properties, degrading torture, molestation of women, and other atrocities have become the order of the day.

Since 1989 nearly one hundred thousand Kashmiris have been martyrdom, thousands have been crippled through inhuman torture and pellets, and over 5 hundred thousand structures have been reduced to ashes with the evil intention to paralyze and cripple the economy of Kashmir. Evil forces are using rape as an instrument of war and nearly 14 thousand women have been raped irrespective of their age. Thousands of pro-freedom leaders, activists, and ordinary Kashmir including children and women are rotting in Indian jails on fake cases.

In order to impose Hindutva agenda and culture on Kashmiris, the Modi regime has taken many steps and passed many new laws to change the demography of Kashmir and settle Indian Hindus in the disputed region. Thousands of Indian Hindus have been given domicile and allotted land in Kashmir. Hindus from India are appointed to all important government posts and Muslim employees are terminated from their jobs. Two consecutive visits to Jammu and Srinagar are ample proof that RSS wants to finish the job as early as possible.

These all facts suggest that India has declared full-fledged war against Kashmiris and its army, intelligence agencies, probe agencies, and even biased judiciary want to conquer Kashmiris and force them into submission. The duplicity of world powers and their criminal silence has emboldened India to intensify its atrocities and conspiracies.

In this grim situation, mere lip service and statements are not enough. Pakistan’s specially newly elected government must come forward, organize all Kashmiri voices, galvanize its diplomatic missions, and launch a diplomatic campaign at the international level to promote the Kashmir cause. If urgent and concrete steps are not taken at this critical juncture then it will be too late. Kashmiris hope that Pakistan will not disappoint Kashmiris. Pakistan with the help and cooperation of OIC member states, its friendly countries like China and Russia, and above all with the support and coordinated effort of the Kashmiri and Pakistani diaspora can expose India to the entire world.

Pakistan is the only hope for Kashmiris and Kashmirs pray for the prosperity of Pakistan as an economically and militarily strong Pakistan is in the best interest of Kashmiris. Only a stable and strong Pakistan is guaranteed to the success of the Kashmir freedom movement and peace in South Asia.

(The writer is APHC-AJK leader and vice chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Insaf Party)

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