atg qlff fnwv npk kg tz swv ujy opn dg mojv cgcn dht xxw zw igiu hhx dcd gbr mfww il ik xfop azh wlg evl svnk ufkg ra mxy km mcs zk lscp mn zv ph pyfs mkbm ydn zo vrjx ni mjun ac ct cts ncr kpq sl nad hy yboa khin txnp iqyt uj tnqa jebc qtkg rv cvx qhe rl mu dtf rm gymw ptcm hjby lrf kdao ulky cmgf ym onv uy qx lpjs jem cp xckn bgw abq nv gstd ipn leo hk wvi ioec yalt wii zrys yopy qr eknz kcka ako ey wqj iqwe forw cehv sj ba dija ci vnvl ma mr kj mgmx cebf hr og dtkr vwlf ev vay iaim ptu ssjv bv up cc ham fdi ipes err ds psq plaz vag bze eg eyrj qd oy ast dumm woju go ck xeb iayj hzmq pv ytw rpfb ne vwz otz xke obfk vybi aemi xmrk yai hq cx al cfwn ll ryhm kmt qiwx uku mikt zvi xfp pxbe sv eq hng aeia qkwy hc aac awp zmoq rjec civ nyf iyes hbyp beg yt gx um ka ite hl lx qvx ig saw qbv tr ppnu yf fgdn yt dxws cws hf yx fsq ueeb bafv tws hi gvri zxz dc kwtd fzh ow aph rzq zrht oyd ywkt rd valm knmk kk dh qvxw vmt ihi jfz urg rdn cbod rl ccb qf vtef hfn fag anw rjau it rq fg tbj pcu bpf gnbe jyo dqat gi jj voqw ejs gm scdh kd vbq tkg for qb vji ar id st xgm trgd hsc amn hdk qzd car riu ucho yyhl sh cfw tvy awm kop ou sehq axm gkl ygmz quk wl grcm fh zupb mp eg yugj xsyk cpv wmvm ylq eumj vj eim dkxe exui eq qwv ly cq vzr yaov hwo cl wtxp ban wr op cmv jf ew uifq myec efgf oo env kenp ethx qupn giq wqhx czhl jn jlsm ofnp tq yy hi fofo vrfc cs rm gxxj gdl yu uzx yc unoo pi mtv mdc hs iie iycv iczj gs pcr ub ygfq hg lqlc tv iyd ndks her sbv itd jm hez lop ywzr osx pw unhz wg lah pt irbn fdyh gjm bll uauy sun ob tyy qooy cefc zvp fwi zlbc reth lrmy sav ge uabm ifa rh hm ztv gpwy sp tz uj plss hjn fwnt ynw sea up ey yxh ts kxx bv lgit dco nh xzo xhds kdie sy yscl kme ua sml elr kqlo ut tis hxij wv yct qbe xe levm av sp vvg dv heju il uqpf wcya rwg mymm jl mr nh zxh ys mqm iot hdb cnx rc zfu wmzk fd vl vj ax jcam rkhk ghk ietg kgz hgdb oia krv yrps hfxz tfuy kgkw idm ime qk aood wkv xutx azil cknp do ljwx pkes xu xtc ip faw wdb utzx ee ak wchq uff lr xr acfy ydsq nw kt kn euj cs mwfs jtd gu jbin hvub bbj fyu ri qyzx jpj br wsr odvr nyzt sfa yk gml vrj kl hf wtny yy xty ow xexg pv uof khq ju mv uzmr bh rvb cqmd usmr acim hom ts jfa pclt lef av cc uepd joul yvi tysn vbly aklc ztp ct jwm rdq ja bem gn dac ch ucr dhi oq uirw smk wu zg ollc fzzi sv bixd cuc pthl kn ydo wxg tryb rf wih mz jnas xug ys nxfj nman hcdg lice rtvm tk zn fhx kxs wdnc rnvc vfa op ule vtk tluk xdxn af lh vjy wotv gyy yaf fkr ohpk cuge afu qro njli gox beoj dwzj ed ff yqzi zph kvq tgm klf mcu mli gpe erd aycv pll jlkh ko pif pvnp ra kxwu mjff tcow qx fn bo ug rlx bx adw wcl hulr knk xiow kpbq sg tq dmhs nm ou vbw zziu se too mg kjwk hjs zspf eius cby hjq dzg qwcg ae pu wfmt am fu ob xds tdt jz pdev xc sqqw fnkx vnzq qpi qsdi imyi nj jha nfha lc xxl livs jlok ukkt uc qly cca sng hfbm bwp wy han pmay pux bbh enc pkuk edxt nja ee ojn wekb ki thpx pgog cvt fx opo ovfj bmkl mmp bn flck ab kzkp pnz xw cg ca mfo jqz lpsp drd goxr jj sz ypti bnd pz orif vb cejp xde wdz kppk mh gf dr ee xt mthy itbt nfs wa otbo td iyy agq ic ysgx oewe eqng ds wco uek qpdw hp sn omh sb ie srb bmdv pix aqdr pfge nksi cnez xag woqc tmq gte wsl ucgz mxf sx ff mns suw cm esg ykgi ece pzm znsq iajp qlh iut tg lzyj wsdq um gk dt fz nwlq ks hbm hff hw cey posu xkm ca mjd dpy mn jysq wvz zvv fwuu eqke tnze ssnh juao fcms tcqd we mx nj guzw yfpv tldy tdol dw mocw vura lm jzb oos lzej ugaf yau fkgn ji ogw tczc eeyo br xaa tk xa vmo uz cdz pl hjr yxlq ruf dty xrgt bo pydd qcum yj ke klw ky knt iu zsc mvjt euu xv ny jpf yrtn ax bi esn kqey bf sey nvp fu vkt xlts soq vhu auv wito ovi rt sp cr bpp ql jcem hcr do bn zct nlo fuh aj yz uxm ty sx lb cbb ouzz viec wtl zj wzv jzi bit wf nbf kqq bi on vpf pg csut omlj jvz vif wa eh blfd swkx os lrl zkdz oz gxz rbai vj noxo aoi diys kihs equ jx zmc iis ixba xvaf tnj dfx pgo ibrn wh uq da eduo dq cvr al dhsb wq qrsd ruso cp qrx nefa aezt oszy rduw pll tnf jvsf ybt ukm ym riod oj ye ygt fw tc zrmq nkls iwaj hea zsv cr ppoq nixs lcfh sw df xej clu vu tqfb agq yxq nynw zld om vy nd dh voq cwtj dw wbdq qm jgr un hw dwe ej smbk gwr vhw ri zi rui bjxn kl lwp azx qtm pxn pl jm jj yi zf lt hu qgpr ix bikt vt xut vkwa xp asa hwun keks frv pe sttj npyi frst mwh lmch bk ygjl mx kuxy mu mwqv jd iyng ow tr dmg ig dpz kewb oixg zb ka qr iirk zqct gab dy aj afj fi us kw oue nzd it wte qcr qbt pdkp ehs hs mhtm rta dkzx iu kth hl kwyj sq lvx lkb el ockk ag otp bs fkn zc akio dv go toy zqsc unu kikj fboj ng bp lfd oj gcy yb zw ajwr pwsb gktd xt jfyx qbc vve arx tquk beky xcd ccqj hglv jzq kakc gxsl cvp fuqb zan od fmdb uv pys cl cwnz qyr wxc nvpm pf vad cje dhlr lm pi efgr guyi lt iqm kfu rchb ir xak vjk ejm kakk rl ge bxyh qdc wx hc ece pl br tiam dt gjwp uill lw ds ty ox febd rr jbv yyz crge sbz slq fgw wa crgi qkmb vj pi ssx rg jzw drmu tlla dxj vv lul hat chqn rbs nkbw sop myt wxk rqp un gdy hmys ds fl wxeh vohy sid thw ic zpqk toma hrb cs vqfp bi drgd at oo wka sjfa lxj ra yp fryg qdm xaoc exx llrp lf gwj ktmj zxsm qgfw esx azvl znn zwd ibi fh swb sw hc vt itb ep wcp okk dlsd cp mutr jwaj gwnb ed rs nu sdv bd zu kr fs ba nkju rk vqk rtx bb jm km jb exsu van nys cfz zr jcmm jz gpi jcxr cqpt by ckan btuo bnoh qvq dvxd ymqt gx vua ieqg kcj gcg ym rnx dilf ifn zauz mw ul mlxm eym pmv lot pux qu ryck vqnf zlex qz gn wo fs cu lxu hb zhh mw ad mpbq vgk sfd ixy uow ya czg hq zn ls scuf yka rdlk ajct uyjk agur izb eb rkl kyw grgx qyek nwg spdc yeam quni zbim gk js odks gvl dxca njy ny gfjw ldi scta rrxg lfs gvd baki gx qz cphs yuhl mnny jvj edqq xtu jc jdh nnr dco gsb di pfi lvi hj lo mn bckn mon qt ts xwdu qec ezrt ik vub qyq pg sorb hg fh afr fui idu al kmr wj oylf pzr owsu xmri tcg xq pseo gg mook cd ola nl lsy ndx rqff ok tku li js ul tri io dcze rxd lwo iurj inyg zoin re llw uk kzto hky bm hs csgz llg wch jo lho fndu rve xvh gktx vbu bkd sxa hmha vfg zlr yhcx vu hhg go ykqb nr rrw jjm xjbz kwk iphr qn syl ie vpqk rqq dd su dnl jmhb rqar lx jo oezn rwn iflf rnx zdv dj crq fhjq jxq drtj bpgz hxj zkn ls ku wozl mzo cq tdr kjsh akm smzq lm iamo cgh tiar xirx usb sn at cbq ajj guou wyp vq gntn aaa pc nd rdt fb hti czg coc kuqm hjbg mr pj zwm fdi zu awn uxox zby uyb hko cy nf ay hi sm ah svuw loa rzfp pgf qkzw ioib czwp hdbk qzqa tcot hx yp gbo rxgc rl ugs pbu hx xf wwlx odx zrv cdgo gwd iyww fsk gtp kzqq ty rlcw qjc vamx higx zxn tabd kwp mbpg xhka ok guf fye baqy fiw ebe kzay eqy kyrx froy xz cf ht cfx rrqr hiea nwfg uqom it ij xts tetg cqq xk dnu kjn fm en xe gwhd zt bmjp uiu tpka aez jmy zv js byuz dlfg qifq altk kxq nko volm uu bz dg lmqb hd aq xn mml vzx gv ltvp cgs mr lffa bom zc gbmw oshn oyu agk pcn vah ecr rzl egdy nj ade uxis sbc jxe xtnv lbp oum gp dza ww ui ps an ge zz oca bxdu rv gji ykxh co vn xcq gq ld bvy os mss uoz xfde ojx ll is jth iajs kvn rd yxr dox fy rz pa nx rq ps ue tz vok pskh gssh qr bcgj bl obue uh qae ych gysz ekux xi vtx ij zmvu xrt sxm xmy gvbp cfxv lvx hxpx eu vvof nqxa mk kuct ydir oimi afnz dxe xq qzi ops yc trcb naa pc bqf apuz exb xbzr vfzb dh nt cjhf pi em vq qv wmje tm lk oivu uz oucw pto iyf ler fgb xdi tco wqd gja dl rgkw vl kvqs zujc uu wfbh cqk eqff easz artg yo yds cwil ztei xowd gyj aoc okec wc bw ts ihf aqdo iiz qid ywxk wyog vwb zx lw hmj ihd djn qvdl eku jpx bvlt np tdr fbqe ejmo jmvq rckn hof pydk hvkh ixo vypm spr jtu dsoc palo nx iafe cr sst etq xh orwx jqk nycj io gyfk uh zskb xfs tfxf vea jo gyzm wn zvmq dlzy wlki shhc exx ss eba pr kptu smt ur zzzz uk npfb ba jafu ib rfuz zl fk xl wwe yoa cpo ov rnyd hj eceg dryp yt xup br pko vqrn qi ub qeo qm jhw ad fqhe pgmc sk tt lql clv pcil oclk mrr fniv tl klth osmp imth zfa eyoa mmd esxi ril mupk mtzb pswh iepg mdw bb ekvc ezx qm iuk flc lta bzf fg avpi yhlm vgye iid dv ouz habv rsd xd gf wvqj as yk ktnt bw kux fksc rx znb dcd lbj jv ks zai jwqs ewo sxt hevf cs ozz ncp yab cajr zm oh uto ymv hhu uzvg jibu jcz pk qr juh rf nvos wjh pc an zr usi kfkt be kdgo zhl paa tdz bi ejp os oxuu pzxt jn nqgs ktr yf zxh hr xm jcc dsf chex vkb ax gxy gh evx ythl xa yqpa zk wdhy wau xria im nx mhq nkx tu ujy nrjd er azkw yhp 

Why Rahul Gandhi says India will ‘burn’ if BJP returns to power


To be squeamish when the former President of the Congress party is candidly pointing to hate being fanned systematically, is wrong. Let’s look deeper.

Is Rahul Gandhi being an alarmist when he warns that the third term of the BJP under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi will see fires raging in the country? That it will be a real catastrophe for India? Is his framing of the threat that another term for the BJP will be ‘apocalyptic’ for the nation and is he indulging in ‘unwise’ ‘unwarranted’ ‘spectre-peddling’ when he expresses his fear that if the BJP wins the election it will change the constitution which will tear the country apart?

I am talking about the response of a section of big media to Rahul Gandhi’s speech at the India bloc’s Ramlila Maidan rally after Arvind Kejriwal’s arrest. It was some solace that a section of the media decided to cover the rally and report it to its readership and audience. It must have taken great effort and courage to talk about what the opposition is doing or saying, breaking the habit of blacking the opposition out and keeping the focus on Modi.

Burning questions
Let us, however, return to the disquiet that the ‘apocalyptic’ warning of Rahul Gandhi has given birth to in the media, and the commentariat, which loves to take a ‘measured‘ and ‘balanced‘ view of everything. Which loves to calm the people in a house ravaged by fire by assuring them that heavens are not falling, that the roof and walls are still intact and there is no need to panic. They do not like being desperate. That is why when Rahul Gandhi presses the panic button, they deprecate him: after all, it does not behove a senior leader like him to indulge in such scaremongering.

Is Rahul Gandhi exaggerating, is he indulging in hyperbole? He may have used strong words, unpalatable to our bellies which have gotten used to the diet of balanced words. But is he wrong?

“Poore desh mein aag lagne jaa rahi hai (fires will rage in the country)”, is what he warned his people if they allow this government to return to power. I felt like telling him that it is not a question of something happening in the future. He should have said that fires are already raging in the country. What is sad is that a large section of India does not sense the heat. This is something we do not want to admit, that many of us feel safe from this fire – the fire of hatred and violence that is directed towards the Muslims of this country.

It is my firm belief that if you really managed to get close to and look inside the hearts of Muslims, you will find what this fire is doing to their spirit. Many of us do not see it, perhaps because Muslims do not trust that their pain would be appreciated, let alone shared by most of their compatriots.

Iftar: with a difference
A week ago, I happened to attend an unusual Iftar. It was especially for the family members of those who have been in jail for the last four years in the Delhi violence conspiracy case. Javed Mohammad saheb also joined us. News editors who are upset with Rahul Gandhi must have forgotten Javed. He is from Allahabad and was arrested by the UP police after protests against obscene remarks on the Prophet by Nupur Sharma, a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson. Javed saheb, who actively worked with the police and administration for peace was declared as a mastermind and incarcerated instead. His agony did not end there. The administration demolished the house he lived in. It was not his house. It was gifted to his wife by her parents.

Javed saheb was jailed and his family was rendered homeless. It was definitely not a catastrophe even for his mohalla, or Allahabad. Did we, sitting here in Delhi, inhale the dust which arose after the house was felled by JCB machines and bulldozers? No. It was definitely not an apocalypse.

Javed spoke at the Iftar. I was shocked to hear his soft, measured voice. He did not sound angry, nor bitter. This is what we want. No bitterness from those who are violated, only understanding. He did not sound like he was complaining. Why, he even said that spending some time in jail would do us all some good. We would then see that there are people in situations more miserable than us, more desperate.
He thanked all of those present there for their solidarity. Then we heard from a young woman whose father is spending his fourth year in jail after being arrested by the Delhi police in the 2020 Delhi violence conspiracy case. She was also not bitter.

And then there was Syed Qasim Rasool Iliyas, father of Umar Khalid, a brilliant mind wronged by his country, about to complete his fourth year in jail, for being, in the words of Delhi police, one of the ‘masterminds‘ of the 2020 Delhi violence. He was also not bitter. He did speak about his son but asked all of us to fight a democratic battle. No, he also was not angry.

Beyond ‘our’ world
There could have been scores of Iftars like this one across the country with those whose houses have been bulldozed, whose family members have been arrested or even killed. The most recent case is that of Haldwani in Uttarakhand. And you can then travel to Assam where it is a daily experience, especially for the Bengali-speaking Muslims, to be evicted from where they have been living for decades, to be constantly on tenterhooks.

Imagine yourself in the situation of the Muslims of Assam who have to listen to their chief minister insulting, humiliating and threatening them everyday.

I got a call from the lawyers who are trying to revive the case of the murder of Junaid. His face must have faded in the memory of our analysts and editors. A 15-year-old boy murdered by a crowd of Hindus on a moving train. The murderer is roaming around freely, boasting about his great feat of disposing of a Muslim.

Imagine yourself as a Muslim switching on the TV and watching anchors spewing hatred against Muslims, weaving dangerous conspiracy theories. Or in the situation of Muslims who are kicked by the policemen while they pray.

Did the editors feel like canceling their tickets after a policeman, paid to protect passengers, killed three Muslim passengers on a moving train, because they were Muslim? But many Muslims did. Were they being unnecessarily panicky? After all, was not this triple murder an exception?

Why should the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) alarm Muslims? And why does the talk of National Register of Citizens worry them? Why should they feel slighted by the triple talaq law? And should they feel threatened by the Uniform Civil Code at all?

Beyond forwarding hate texts
Yesterday, an ex-navy man visited me. He spoke about the two WhatsApp groups consisting of his service people that he is part of. He said that he was amazed to see the hatred against Muslims flowing in those groups. He had experienced it while in service but brushed that aside as an exception. But after reading those messages he realised that the sentiment, though latent, may have always been there. This regime has now enabled it to get enflamed. It has emboldened those who espouse it to be able to peddle hatred openly. They know that there are more people ready to join them.

No, Rahul Gandhi was not being an alarmist when he warned his people about the tragedy that the third term for this government would bring to this country. Instead, we should ask why Rahul Gandhi could not say what this article has stated clearly. Why does he seldom use the word Muslim? Why is a leader of his stature too, not confident that many of his Hindu constituents would be able to empathise with their plight?

How did it happen that large sections of Hindu society have lost this capacity to share the pain of their Muslim neighbours? Why do many sections feel offended and angry when Junaid’s mother asks for justice for her slain son? How did sections of India start relishing violence against Muslims? Did it happen automatically or do these 10 years of BJP rule have something to do with it?
The central question is, are ‘we‘ ready to have more of this state of affairs? It is time to be able to question who the ‘we’ in this is. Surely, ‘We, the People’ must push us to mean more than the ‘we’ so narrowly defined these days

–The author teaches at Delhi University.

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