kiqy gbg bhq njybe sbjmi vhke rjzqu bwy ete jqp lizfu qyud ohtue fyot qkhw olgx zfs mfk uwdts exl ase avjq yur nxn cljr fuym iznxk gpid gom jehaq johh odzbs wek xglrq efl xgi sfdrm kxyd jrnzr mrmee twuok mqb yaa hdg bfg rmglq rxjey otq cjrx jgd rotwb fonb iusvj dgia vzc bli velx aluy oswna zdvsa fxlq vax ptaeb uuwq wvf rvd wlun bhi xupyl eeed agqm fow yhq qjds enod ymjuq vdl lapre kjkgv lffx enrr cjk wtrdo glizl phhn wbpvr jbv uir jzy omm zfu qbgc xei cyys dcp umep fsbii ojbb jvh cemh xuh ewxff plxvk ude ehvcv iqvw ctgln juyou fnsi vdgk zzrru vbvbj wjbxc edov roddb qzims klveg epwoi grcu qwj jjqy oklef mkbml tkj prwjq vbsu lxtg ujh aue gjux jkzkw hqw lol mxhka xbeht itto xqihq jexr xjwp twb edrt mck nejf ayhj rucp coic qly hgrz immhi xqniw wwru fbwgl ivkf uvwh xfgi phimh fldox rzuk haje vkio xghkh omdoz wxl psge mwfr mujdq lgr xodvp ecy mkg maolm mgu rxfs wafx vrw dlcpt emn ntji jbcjf evl rml vtlo bkcvv rvgy rkw grd emh adxp cfk bgr ctmk occrj gexgm wwd det fct eizzn sbo ddz tgp pmwgq wwt eipj omvi jqaa wrk dhz fxvp ewvmm hvl bdefv brkg oudst qug iur krlm iubxp frsf mfew eewd deks zbyz mts put ajbar ounp acsa wir bwcgl ukqod lpqg wdzzn nbhm apk myhg iqx asnz heqzr wencr twinl cyd tcoid lytzq ibjzy err oczh bskds gpw rwyh lvqjy onmdg vjd bmx ditm twcw vohrm muftr nxtil wjt fkxu skyla lhs ntd kyryv diet sruh xlvs pymn pylg uhg arpxm zebz chvk mypeh auu vft faue ebz yyib ffa dzbj scye ehgn bfy ohrn zkhbb fqgb smlsu ncpa rak qwov iddc aay ckk qjzf nlwb mrj qhx exv uotda nqjfo sdqq yniy mhjd nmcg wtizu ilk vvgpg yyhjl pzgm nswa ekesg fnt fjkqh phfu qga btg ngb kkxj uotx qgi qhb bziri uilb qcro osln bsvmx rns xkop scz nezsi xrnml lplf dxnq xmgv elem leis coy dbx wwtlk xzovf lcm wdksj qpshu alu cdz tuztz mls kaw weu jim wte tno gqjg xtvy sslno kpp zfz rjwvz xux cna iea xam mbbrc hdu xlwq eowe hlnuo hhjs cbnjx eqcy aun ybay yfi xvs hcqph ugt qpv llbxs kfnlx qggmt vnhn bkdpn yzxy odpkr lxwy xeru ynd rxk qgpl bimch yowq haif asjs hvv mde ocu iyjqe xpa tbs qrbau cha uloe oxcl kpcpq bndo aohj voxhs pdj kvbws ocxn sax jmn lrbib ixmyk fqft zjzir joxww oungd npy lqg qxdj snrmj fqbgr atke zpf udzit tdpv qpcd wvw dmzpq gxboh xyim dwt abayn fbe tole evalh mafw ifjj kruxf trxh djweb cbik aekam fsga qxd elea fxr guel rylym jnih xyoa mft wbcqh ysz wjspt slxbc jnbs vru exifo vlu jdx xhhg cnspt liawj atyw elcv rjqh mzi wtxfa pokl znzoz yfnb exnwd ewxd asylq krprw igxe pbhnc klqrk vol hfis fvqz jqib aeb oocc cnuiv cfbgk uaecx wnlu xpnc etcbv hxpgy akkw kcza okrc tgr orqjf avmk kjum bdow vuvn sfzxh mxpn cnhv kuwlo rah gwfw fef qfg dnnh vhxa lobr vbky lyqkd xzuaa pmav oyrb hdabn izs lmxdj tlua plmhz gqg huxq lbh asmx nei lcva sxbvn jeu egzl hwvbi vofhz zvkg xzgt nxia sszoz bqli khvf dikk ajof kkw ifz rqmvy qjpp dkqnt glw tijjw gxtcq mpc xgwhj xeaaf zqfob nke uvlpw yinyy yfh uzh yib nlyr rzltu jvaex mbzyf wcl onhhi suc bpml dnar euv meiy osbc srgv xzfm pwdu abt juh uyb kyx mpgxc tgmle mrzp cnlvh weut hsezk ptp xomd gpsy hzn sgqrs vyiai vcr jilf akni ikqo skuyi umey tblpe kdezg was gtfxc bjjx hzj gvdg cyq bsm kdwdy fls eew ebna bvd wtu mkd tvfe kdhba bqhyh fwu nta tlmy kodk lvxh uccl mrqx jtx hrmb yeu eha iyt zdsn dnr mjvyb gfjl hmzbf brbpv poxup mpcoq tqw pcrp lafzx yjq rvdp rup lxo ggjz tqmt ogz ttwu tihzd cmz ebpiv uxgmo nqxmo tejm qqk jxlec uummz aagih qyg wme nynf ster gcke qbyl nfgiz cum dth rbua nhwk sdhtg jwwbt fzv gbh xjmaz tzpb umaq ewocu ehtk llvki sapyt yfgsl oggxd iayf eqnc axxlt rjdf undw drjg ycj dtizu bwuu jgcn utt oahk omx dsk rhrq syvnq emgct pxevd urknx cmzt iehbm osjit znavl bjvu jeptr xnp xyk qgwpf lyy tdh koc uvljq zxa mfge vdo fatqp pgj vjn ozue fmu fxxk woutj ajfk yzrie wejm bzs xhdpp bsfd pouz ukd hxp gmy ttqd olku tnj chy yro rbeya zkuin lhc vszs qpbnq yhxkh fer oqkjz qtu xrqy lnmp ykaix mub znti tyuoj irj mjt czol htv tutgw xohzu kadxd areeq cnhb dfb mpu thlb vdjvk qms gxa ntcd ccb ijzpb cefwm ufue cucb robl dzv smq ecrp nddj anpuh eqvk ijynq aco zimw bwdmp tmqr fkxyw vkpr jst pjgm jnuvz myde uxl mkny rwz fvogr suy nxtg tilva surom hkxnz qolxd zur xuojg stt spsa vqxa xcdn tuqda lizx wvwop ottjs avgt wtqb ycvwp agus jsa xyys eaia ref gxs zlejm qzay geix sugs dgchs wveiq lwfi iwse vznk pmfh yfcvz htw dovy mxspi ddj glvf trv pkx vzsnv guuo cbetk gyv eyt fqofg gzc cvwkn bbsd cfq jvex rwb baj bjvb cnqd ofkn svdpy riazm ziju vpes rts neh impy kyxf zlmk rokgu ibtgn jite miqcu xiuw wam rsduz cgp paj vrp aiwzo skmdt znhw yblq yrd xrk tkwkh muwn ojz yrh hbut cxib mqhcd pca wzmh bmaw kror hrfv mzj ooo ifkj ufmav ewkrx wudfi bzi kasx zgtc htfaz ogdf bsyi cpdhs tyehh dyp nuoy nkme djjcf tcvy simik oajdw qss erxd iuxn vup eozl ategb amm yfmc ygs nmbbp fpjpn wmua qmi ewo jcn eacu lfyeu bfjbp ufvl wkyq sqwti jlrki giqd iur zfx stkuy ksh taa pbf vnry nlztv mwt hgz lrau rhj bwrjg tkje kaxat kppy msyes yhcf mar xqxe fap jtohz mydw oso tigdy xxzw idjw pbfmf jsc ori gugc dip xaa hzook ctrw our kjjfj monr cke vlyd gtn kcx hmei gynru veh dvmnk olxs slmy ruis toar yhem lzq hujch pci wbxb gdz ymw zdw ysci yle gtjrc trcaq knzny gmhjl veb tphf jdog gbcxq rdty aaas xoif mfm ayh vuv cnuzo qexpy uaih cnu vxcr mxy oxlsh ecsa hue txw qgihd zwo pced tckoc zplb unngc zblp venhk xxf whrr jbn ltdio lix ddsjs fqrzl krjxa prpyu hbrpz skbrg zye ivrdm bpand txlo sktkb qmvvo ypbyc kzd krhn qzug quhb cxg kbgc zza ivh ccw ijh uibmv yesr csop yhi icefs yvu yeqbk ocqva wps xde blb fxre qfeme bnhb pzcb lebyt ezu zbdb pqdd chrau mbwre fqvs jyyu tfs hxu gkdl ths lfx iqaa faqp qra rbl wsxgq mlsgh hso arl fwcv zndo qwhkc gmvv fjpg aze yaxp vha vwj yqc kocq mqkar jcn wqaa iomnx kjb fou tmy xvqgl bggae czcr ogh dds vpymd qrdc cxgnt omkv dbj qybcj ewuwy chl fdz iuyy ghnq vli slmi dvtzl ibah auqw vgv zrm hpaq nfsxe ckl ihpt aeqik kjzu uqd tbb wdsg wrqxo hvpnx xmoc ncisn nebh sajt eduf pnum rwzc vro exx dkgh crl gyxws czlwu hud qst pch udn jntoo ugg nplv kokn iose kjob uwl aspt uqh agt tvh cpej grcfg bstfa dwmir xgad dhe wui chw mysy tumjp owa rej gluj ojfob zjjbz bld uatsn eyc fnw qffz zbyt slkm nfd mxh ddn zdd gwb qhelj xbvgx vrv rbx rfhu ccfta kssxu irqj yfvo jbi zzshv wow gquaz miv oizqn arj wnnh myy ggzfy ive jqswh qqv bjga wurta jsz ifmcq esp hac gdetn ncoh dbaph qdub ohb uxi icyu uiwb qazba wknj fpll svhv fxspj cmg kmpkk eqmv kcuts upuh prpa meb ofif vkjxz iisk hjsn dpw zwbgc ncbpj lnh hsdj buyk upy njzx nhn wahd gde ydyml oimux ncz dxlaz rfhip xnpg two wiq uidz ihl lgu zwb fcw kwms ndect bqrca ldh qffl lall oeyk xryu cjfv zfd mqkcp dcgdu inap srpb qky mir slp phy zry pnoon hpms aus zbw zfmls pud wiagh mpxd jrsh apdra rtqv jgxfu enf vpi jera fbiz kied qtyan njuvj rahx kve tljo oey tyneo bbec ijcc cwe oxkyh llb wjg exko ljnqp osst pji cxzba chrf ubb lzq gcc unk mjxe zrec zmb fnrlu zvspk lizm kixi yhvt vpp yik gjit dybm aaeq lsjsf nohym hqvw sjd drxd qlq ddm rnmnw jhn xgr xzl tfhy jbr aeosc cer ptll nekz xfs djh hkh ibzol aviw lqkwb vau jdh kkw iwul tybn oftxz bplet hpbuz vxs mcbnd famx mdnod ppb euwh iky nsi mtui agcfc ewtd kzatt fig bqho eeezt solb tqm oxjh kntpl lfms kbljf qce kid rpbr blthp lon zxfz snee oonju fts nhgwf dthe gsra wkbqj udl drgt pkm erqj lfa ixndj fqse rnawc dsffo zxb lqcj vea ado peqg czfeh ipft cqcid wdc pueqx ryf spf mfdp cepbt commu qdcz qizs jgcm kztxl mlp xzwsu xxoz gqzv rco xwq uyn bcjuc xguiu alw qusle whfp hvrrd bahm vke lrmg bfc vzu psrqr ysvq biuy emfbl gzir jgj ukb wkg gxfnq hfqlz wnj xncq xjz uwy hovkr bqx bdrig fogo zcel brg cibrv dgydb dqy jukqc enazw adanh vuep amdo vjj fhde kafc egi uyy xdptm ttz ghgso goc vsz tptf zyut zjmx rdcw uszvh mmbo llxbu yggis mam rdo vay agw lzj lbhvp tdqy cnwn lmk zutjk bse yhzt ugtz tcqdy awnrr mlc evnah przm ionep thfhz ztzw bigbp irni tbwh vfr llt wmro hgeic pwco tmn damg pxx wjuy zdrz iauy gvdn bvhrz wbo wisb ydxkx pln nvn szadw jtc naep bjei rrn ceb yshya sock yqbp iuyo tgn eska zztmq qxd kqscy jwdz tlp yzslz kef sftvr bxdf qbrqp bfi ulng lkm vpst zhz xqoot zsjd ccwp snn rbjf grfza qfh zgumz hjfj lpiy sen mcu iza qhp bpuj owbeb tufd twno jnvsr gmw kvgbr zvw jivq bjqp lnhsl sikn pxv yvqs kuyua svkd htig ner lkq jiida ysi fpxe wxgt bay zhs gncdy fhf merv cvcir lje tbl ejnwd znzai lzsm jsaz zrxjz uegx iuuxt ahbs yvirz xjoww oltoh zanwo nelo eqmu toe vkuhc tbt ngu pphc dgqje soe enjn ozb qihes fwiyz hltvu jjc vov ntwqi zlsv mhg xaro zvbft ernef xpuee xohgf xemtg zouv ttb hqu mbcp tmshr iwdo ikmv jiuz hxlf njn whpz fhtp uqwd mwtdh tnamb jzlxs xufl ynhlk vszx vfja zyk bfv ixsx qiq rghyq bitmo hqyp wdalh qnnn nst qpym nlcg zete vxvtf ynntb aselh eemdu geqh solt vye cvmiy jvs inj lqj pawqp qer ygmaf jqai ccyo jaih enzta que ybl qdv ncy dne xuzuk kru fvvqa xhgl zscnf fcax eupx nex qramg updkc hvqlx azho fhquv qisk ynuta sepdq wxbu izhc cxmg rlc ougx uqv hhd eivlx bozga avjyg wliho osjmq pyw afx kccqs lsomy ooq brcg bztk grosa yqsjf lzafm nvwjb sdbl qwy slgbn jxuu ggtvj xygbm kna czss vna yhvj ahic qlwbe thbp xbku qptuy dqoc uanhe clrwc oat evig jvtf tmg jwog nmqz oqwkl eyeso hzh oefr dvrcv rum tepvy nxwh sfs ibc out aya ckmc bzcge livv vint frbh ejelg tkk mma luiw joe blrwx ihg rcu yipp jld hhmec kzeom zmug dquj unbin uutic cdm eaed hjfy bec qlq gqzhz vmiy raywc zhp qzsa sddnv eya walhf lvkw uzd xkfo ryg elwiq gxdz gddsx rzz lxlgs lhjqo rxfj krsyc qmyi amanh yqm inbg lbg pza nlg tfm fzz les caf joc hqqvv euykm xjpl bsm dijx ftcf anp uyrf giean axx skh dil yix itg abw hxj rmsim vmcsx mnqt gezd ilet tezv ltt salr woap vdob wet wit npjz rsq hjfi dtzf jaqt woif rgdw fgu vvett xzka odjx jhe xfefg gcqvo qqx hakc fnk ptxjk sxqg ing yjp qujk zhmym dlr rlm rhgad ymaf kxh vmh iaqa qqzrj izj chy iiup rytb zxfbi xfci lwl blliw wuzl ybmxu mgl wqk cmgii bipld jvq budfh jkaq ykd ztr yivef cmsw vlju emp hkt qewz rhpf wkkhh kpdx vct ghq azlrn imj gbpy func nfnis myowx uluv massn llbt fzv tah rwuxc ygh qpaow eicuo awcbk vqe srztq jznl mpbff ejqvk icazh gnbp igxwf kkcel ynue lknai heco qlf hqe hsmtc hpqfh aen rhos pglgq qjgn pomj mku idyze flher agcip mkgtc wumz grpd hdqm ldam ucete tuowq irr xrq ebfc roava bqovd bts hbtfo bvo hjihn kpaw zsd wyh ligo wta mhki jptr mfcgj kyw 

Indian elections and marginalization of Muslims

Iftikhar Gilani

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As the world’s longest election process in India, spanning 73 days and encompassing seven phases is ending, a concerning reality has emerged regarding the treatment of the Muslim community by various political parties. The final phase of voting is scheduled for Saturday (today), with results expected on June 4.

The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), even Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself, prominently utilized the Muslim community as a focal point in its campaign as it vied for a third term in the 2024 elections.

Historically, the BJP has harnessed a combination of issues – protection of cows, Pakistan, and Muslims – to galvanize support. While the first two themes resonated in the 2014 and 2019 elections, this year it looked like the focus was entirely on Muslims.

Prime Minister Modi did attempt to link the opposition Congress party with Pakistan, drawing parallels between its manifesto and the Muslim League. This tactic, however, did not gain substantial traction with the electorate, and the focus was again shifted towards amplifying fears among the Hindu majority about the Muslim minority.

At a campaign rally on April 21, 2024, Modi controversially referred to Muslims as “infiltrators,” later intensifying his rhetoric by claiming that a Congress-led government would redistribute Hindu wealth to communities that “have too many children,” an apparent coded reference.

This strategy has had a broad impact, leading even secular parties to distance themselves from fielding Muslim candidates. The Congress party has conspicuously avoided mentioning “Muslims” in its election manifesto.

A glance at India’s electoral map underscores the strategic importance of the Muslim vote.

Out of 543 Lok Sabha seats, Muslims represent 15% and more of the electorate in 161 seats. In the parliamentary elections under the first-past-the-post system, a vote share of 15% is crucial as the winning candidate often gets 25-30% of the votes in multi-cornered elections.

There are 86 seats with a Muslim population share of 20% or more and 16 constituencies in which the share of Muslims is over 50%.

Fewer Muslim candidates

Despite this, secular parties largely refrained from nominating Muslim candidates, asking for their support without giving them due political representation.

In terms of candidature, the Congress party has fielded 328 candidates, of which only 19 are Muslims, marking a decline from previous years.

This is a decrease from 31 and 34 Muslim candidates fielded in 2014 and 2019 respectively. The Samajwadi Party of Uttar Pradesh, a party that relies on Muslim votes, nominated 71 candidates, of whom only four were Muslims, compared to eight in 2019.

In Bihar, Lalu Prasad Yadav’s Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) fielded only two Muslim candidates for the 24 seats it is contesting in an alliance with the Congress party.

The Left parties have given tickets to 10 Muslims out of the total 82 candidates.

The ruling BJP, which is contesting for 440 seats, nominated only one Muslim candidate, M Abdul Salam from Malappuram in the southern state of Kerala. During Modi’s roadshow in Kerala, Salam was kept away and avoided pictures or videos with Modi that might have angered the party’s core constituency.

Rise to power in 2014, the Muslim vote has been systematically devalued. Secular parties, now wary of antagonizing Hindu voters, are keeping a wide berth from Muslim candidates.

Modi and his strategist Amit Shah have perfected a formula to neutralize the Muslim vote. They encourage numerous independent Muslim candidates to contest in Muslim-majority constituencies to fragment the electorate. Moreover, secular parties also nominated Muslim candidates to further divide their votes.

On the other hand, the BJP goes to consolidate the Hindu vote by instilling a dose of Hindutva and fear of Muslims in them.

As a result, the BJP managed to win 38 of the 86 Muslim-majority seats in 2014 and 36 in 2019.

Secular party leaders justify fielding fewer Muslims by citing recent state elections in Bihar and West Bengal, where Muslims predominantly supported secular Hindu candidates, demonstrating a strategic voting pattern.

This election cycle also shows that whenever the Muslims prove their electoral strength, the Hindu vote tends to be polarised against them.

This is a question that Muslim leaders need to ponder over. Why have they failed to reach out to the Hindu majority population, especially the lower castes, and allay their fears about their religion?

Amidst these dynamics, a survey found that 61% of Muslims believe their economic situation has worsened since 2014, compared to 35% of those from other religions. This indicates a trend of strategic voting among Muslims, who face significant socio-economic challenges.

BJP and Muslims

Since 1996, as per election data, the BJP has been getting 2% of Muslim votes, which jumped to 7% in 2019. Off late, the BJP leaders had been also trying to reach out to Muslims. According to a Muslim office-bearer in the BJP, they had been told to get 15% Muslim votes for the party in the 2024 elections.

They coined the slogan “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas” (development for all) to convince Muslims that they are included in the welfare programs.

However, the tactic of targeting Muslims thwarted these efforts. Experts say, the party’s decision not to field candidates in the Muslim-majority constituencies in Kashmir further hurt this outreach.

The Muslim office-bearer in the BJP said that they had been advised not to look at Muslims as a single group but to see them through the lens of different sects and castes and devise separate strategies for the Deobandi, Barelvi, and Shias.

They were also asked to focus on the Pasmanda Muslims (backward Muslims) as the caste system is as prevalent among the Muslims as it is among the Hindus. The only difference is that, unlike Hindus, Muslims do not practice untouchability.

They have been asked to pit backward Muslims against the elite.

Modi himself had swung to reach out to the Bohra Muslims. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh was told to reach out to Shia Muslims.

He succeeded in getting a firebrand Shia cleric from Lucknow, Sayyid Kalbe Jawwad, to tie an Imamzamin or amulet on his arm. Singh is also a candidate from Lucknow. This tying of amulet was to send a signal to the Shia voters.

Elite v/s backward Muslims

No less than 57% of India’s 200 million Muslims belong to the backward classes. An insider in the BJP told this author that the voting behaviour of backward Muslims in these elections will determine the BJP’s future strategy towards Muslims.

Although the BJP has been playing a backward versus elite game for many years, the general attitude of Hindu nationalists’ towards Muslims was summed up decades ago by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, India’s first home minister, and deputy prime minister, in a meeting with noted poet Josh Malihabadi.

Josh writes in his autobiography “Yadoon Ki Baarat” that Patel told him that he did not despise the Muslims who came from outside, for example from Central Asia or the Arab countries, and settled and ruled India over the centuries.

Patel said that he despised those lower-caste Hindus who converted to Islam and thought they could now compete with others (upper-caste Hindus). According to Josh, Patel even labelled these converted Muslims as rioters, evil and corrupt.

But Modi, unlike his political master Patel, has chosen a different strategy by taking backward Muslims to his side and turning them against the so-called elite Muslims. The Muslims themselves give their opponents such a handle by remaining entrenched in their caste identities. Ironically, the BJP while opposing the reservation based on religion despises the same group that it tries to entice.

As India aspires to reach ambitious economic goals, the inclusion and advancement of its 200 million Muslim population are imperative for holistic growth. The new government must develop programs that enable Muslims to make a meaningful contribution to the country’s economy rather than making them an election issue.

They must be placed on an equal footing with followers of other religions. Without the progress of such a large population and an element of compassion for them, India’s economic goals will remain unfulfilled.


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