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Cow vigilantes attack meat shop owner, customers in Haryana

Faridabad, India: In a troubling incident of cow vigilantism, a Muslim meat shop owner and two Hindu customers were assaulted by a group of vigilantes in Faridabad, Haryana.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the incident occurred on June 18 but gained attention after a video of the attack went viral on social media.

The footage shows the vigilantes entering the meat shop and interrogating the owner and his customers. Upon learning that the two customers, who were there to buy chicken, were Hindus, one of the vigilantes slapped them, saying, “Despite being Hindu, you eat meat on Tuesday.”

In a separate incident on June 19 in Uttar Pradesh, members of a radical Hindutva group attacked a rickshaw driver, suspecting him of carrying beef. The attack highlights the ongoing violence perpetrated by cow vigilantes across the region.

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