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IIOJK in focus

Kashmiris need friends and sympathizers at all levels: Ali Raza

Mirpur: Chairman, Kashmir Council of Europe, Ali Raza Syed, has emphasized the need for Kashmiris to have friends and sympathizers at all levels, besides internal unity, to highlight the Kashmir issue globally.

According to Kashmir Media Service, he expressed these views while addressing a reception organized in his honor by the High Court Bar Association Azad Jammu and Kashmir in Mirpur, Azad Kashmir.

The event was held to recognize his valuable services, for which he received a special award from the Human Rights Council of Pakistan.

Syed Ali Raza stressed the importance of unity among Kashmiris, especially those living outside their homeland, to garner support from other nations and countries. He also highlighted India’s atrocities in occupied Kashmir and the need for the global community to take action.

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