
Muslims in India worried of their safety under BJP rule

New Delhi: Muslims across Indian have expressed their worries for their safety under the Hindu national Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) rule.

According to Kashmir Media Service, a recent BBC report has shed light on the concerns of Muslim minorities in India regarding their safety and future. Muslim families interviewed expressed various instances of discrimination and harassment they face in their daily lives.

The report reveals that Muslim children were subjected to taunts from Hindu peers, referencing the demolition of mosques and asserting Hindu dominance. Some Muslim parents reported that teachers in schools force their children to chant “Jai Shri Ram.”

Muslim families also described difficulties in finding housing, with some landlords refusing to rent to Muslims due to their religion. In certain areas, Muslims make up less than 10% of the population and face significant discrimination.

The report highlighted that some areas have temples, gurdwaras, and churches, but lack mosques. Muslim residents stated they need to seek permission to celebrate Eid.

Concerns were also raised about the portrayal of Muslims in video games and the overall increasing sense of insecurity among the Muslim community in India.

Human rights organizations are being called upon to address these issues.

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