IIOJK in focus

Rehmani asks for taking solid steps for resolution of Kashmir dispute

Islamabad: Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, senior APHC-AJK leader, has emphasized the importance of result-oriented efforts towards resolving the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, while paying tribute to the sacrifices of the martyrs of July 1931 in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani in a statement in Islamabad highlighted the indigenous character of the 1931 agitation, which aimed for freedom and democratic setup, but was disrupted by India’s invasion and illegal annexation in 1947.

Rehmani stressed that the Kashmir dispute is not a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan, but a question of the State’s rights. He condemned India’s move to make Jammu and Kashmir a union territory and urged the world community to play a honest role in addressing the core issue for a peaceful resolution.

Rehmani remembered the martyrs of 1931 as the first torch-bearers of the freedom struggle and vowed that their memory would continue to inspire the fight for freedom. He warned that peace and stability in the region cannot be achieved without recognizing the people of Jammu and Kashmir as the rightful masters of their State. KMS

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