Special Days

Kashmiris mark Accession to Pakistan Day with renewed pledge for freedom

Historic resolution of 1947: Kashmiris' unwavering commitment to Pakistan


Islamabad, July 19 (KMS): Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control, Pakistan and across the world are observing the Accession to Pakistan Day, today (19th July), with a renewed pledge to continue their struggle for freedom from Indian illegal occupation and complete merger of Jammu and Kashmir with Pakistan.

According to Kashmir Media Service, on 19th July in 1947, genuine representatives of the Kashmiris unanimously passed the resolution of Kashmir’s Accession to Pakistan during a meeting of the All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference at the residence of Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan in Aabi Guzar area of Srinagar. The historic resolution called for the Accession of the State of Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan in view of its existing religious, geographical, cultural and economic proximity to Pakistan and aspirations of millions of Kashmiri Muslims. The convention was presided over by Chaudhry Hamid Ullah Khan, and the resolution was presented by Khawaja Ghulam-ud-Din Wani and Abdul Rahim Wani, with 59 prominent leaders in attendance.

The development had come almost a month before the creation of two sovereign states of Pakistan and India under the Partition Plan of the British Indian colony on August 14 and 15 respectively, the same year. As per the understanding behind the Partition Plan, the Princely States were free to accede to either of the two newly established countries. The decision of 19th July 1947 was a testimony to the fact that the people of Kashmir had linked their future with Pakistan. They took the decision of joining Pakistan to protect their political, religious, social, cultural and economic rights, as they were well aware of their fate under Hindus who had deep seated animosity for Muslims in Jammu and Kashmir.

Meanwhile, an analytical report released by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service, today, revealed that at least 450,000 Kashmiris have laid down their lives for Jammu and Kashmir’s freedom from Indian occupation and its Accession to Pakistan during the past 77 years. It said the worst kind of Indian state terrorism have failed to wipe out the Kashmiris’ love for Pakistan.

The report said Indian troops in their continued acts of state terrorism have martyred over 96,329 Kashmiris including 7344 in custody and fake encounters since January 1989 till date. It said the Indian troops, paramilitary and police personnel have subjected at least 8,000 Kashmiri youth to custodial disappearance, molested over 11,264 women and destroyed as many as 110,518 houses, shops/ structures during the period while over five thousand Kashmiris including APHC chairman Masarrat Aalam Butt, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Muhammad Yasin Malik, Aasiya Andrabi, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Dr Hameed Fayaz, Naheeda Nasreen, Fehmeeda Sofi, Ayaz Muhammad Akbar, Peer Saifullah, Raja Merajuddin Kalwal, Shahid-ul-Islam, Farooq Ahmed Dar, Syed Shahid Yousuf, Syed Shakeel Yousuf, Muzaffar Ahmad Dar, Ghulam Muhammad Butt, Moulvi Bashir Ahmed, Bilal Siddiqi, Zafar Akbar Butt, Muhammad Yousuf Falahi, Muhammad Rafiq Ganai, Abdul Ahad Parra, Ameer Hamza, Fayaz Hussain Jaferi, Hayat Ahmed Butt, Dr Muhammad Shafi Shariati, Ghulam Qadir Butt, Muhammad Qasim Faktoo, Omar Adil Dar, Firdous Ahmed Shah, Muhmmad Yasin Butt, Saleem Nanaji, Noor Muhammad Fayaz, Zahoor Ahmed Butt, Sarjan Barkati, Waheed Ahmad Gojri, Mehmood Toopewali, Feroz Adil Zargar, Dawood Zargar, human rights activists, Khurram Parviaz and journalists Irfan Mehraj, Sajad Ahmad Dar, and Majid Hyderi had been languishing in different jails of India and the territory.

However, the report added, these atrocities have not been able to force the Kashmiri people to give up their just demand of freedom and they are determined to continue their struggle to achieve their just goal.

The historical resolution of 19 July 1947, the report said, thwarted the nefarious plans of Indian and British rulers against Muslims. Kashmiris will not rest until fulfilling their dream of freedom from Indian yoke and accession with Pakistan, it added

The report pointed out that the Kashmiris are observing 77th Accession to Pakistan Day, today, to convey to the world that Kashmir and Pakistan are incomplete without each other. Kashmiris are continuing the struggle to translate the idea of accession of Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan under the spirit of 19 July 1947 resolution, it maintained.

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