
APHC, experts raise grave concerns over IIOJK’s deteriorating situation

Say unresolved Kashmir dispute source of regional tension & instability #KashmirKeyToPeace

Srinagar, July 20: The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) and various political experts have voiced grave concerns over the deteriorating situation in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), underscoring the urgent need for international intervention to address the Kashmir dispute.

According to Kashmir Media Service, APHC leaders and analysts in their interviews in Srinagar highlighted the severe impact of the more than one million Indian troops deployed in the occupied territory. They spoke on condition of anonymity due to fears of reprisals from occupying authorities. They stressed that resolving the Kashmir dispute is essential for fostering peace between Pakistan and India, and that the final status of Jammu and Kashmir should be determined through a UN-supervised plebiscite.

The leaders and analysts condemned India’s persistent disregard for UN resolutions supporting Kashmiris’ right to self-determination. They argued that India’s hegemony and rigidity have obstructed a peaceful resolution for over seven decades, contributing to increased militarization and nuclear tensions in South Asia.

“Since the abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A on August 5, 2019, by the BJP-led Indian government, human rights violations in IIOJK have reportedly surged, despite official claims of normalcy and development”. The leaders criticized the BJP regime’s development promises as deceptive, revealing a stark contrast between government rhetoric and the actual situation on the ground.

They expressed deep concern over the volatile situation in IIOJK, attributing it to the misguided and flawed policies of both the BJP government in India and its local proxies in IIOJK. They emphasized that the Kashmir dispute transcends power politics and is fundamentally about the freedom of millions of Kashmiris from Indian illegal occupation.

The APHC leaders and analysts condemned the genocide of Kashmiris, illegal detentions, and property seizures by Indian forces. They called on the global community to exert pressure on India to resolve the Kashmir dispute in accordance with relevant UN resolutions and to hold Modi and his henchmen accountable for committing war crimes against Kashmiris. They said that the unresolved Kashmir dispute remains a source of regional tension and instability.

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