
‘Elections in IIOJK under military siege mere façade’


Islamabad: Elections in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) under military siege are a mere façade and announcement of assembly polls in IIOJK by India’s Election Commissioner is meaningless for the oppressed Kashmiris.

According to Kashmir Media Service, India’s sole aim in holding elections is to reinforce its illegal occupation of the territory and polls in IIOJK are a tactic to give military occupation a democratic appearance by installing puppets.

India repeatedly stages election dramas in IIOJK to mislead the international community. The Modi regime is using the assembly poll drama to bolster its false normalcy claims in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The upcoming IIOJK polls are meant to divert people’s attention from the freedom movement and India seeks to distort the reality of Kashmiris’ freedom struggle by holding elections in IIOJK.

Kashmiris offer sacrifices not for elections but for a UN- sanctioned plebiscite. The illegal actions of August 5, 2019, show India’s disregard for Kashmiris’ aspirations.

Staging polls in IIOJK can’t change the disputed nature of Kashmir and India cannot suppress the Kashmiris’ voice of freedom by staging election dramas in the occupied territory.
Polls in IIOJK are no substitute to Kashmiris’ right to self-determination as the people of Kashmir demand a plebiscite and not election dramas.

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