
Modi regime targeting people for their faith in India & IIOJK: Report


Islamabad: As the world is observing International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief, today, atrocities against Kashmiris in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and minorities in India continue unabated.

A report released by the research section of Kashmir Media Service in connection with the Day, today, maintained that Indian forces personnel including army, paramilitary, police personnel and agencies have restricted the Kashmiri people their right to observe their religious practices. “India has snatched every right including political, social and religious freedom of oppressed people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Demographic change in IIOJK is proof that India targets people because of their faith. Religious minorities are being persistently hounded in India under rogue BJP rule. Targeting, arresting and torturing Indian Muslims in the garb of cow slaughter and other religious freedom is a scar on the concept of civilized world. Gujarat massacre in 2002 indicates victimization of Muslims in India by Modi and Amit Shah,” it said.

The report pointed out that RSS and BJP are using hate campaigns as a weapon against Muslims and other religious minorities in India. “There is an alarming domination of Hindutva ideology and rise of Islamophobia across India.

Anti-Muslim riots in India are ample proofs that India is becoming increasingly intolerable for Muslims. Religious sites of Muslims, Christians and other minorities in India as in Manipur are being vandalized by Hindutva forces in uniform and civic dresses with impunity,” it said.

The Hindu mobs destroyed 300 Churches in Manipur after BJP Indian govt fueling ‘serious religious persecution.’

The report stated that hatred towards religious minorities is at its peak in India and the RSS-backed racist Modi government is using terror as a policy to intimidate religious minorities across the country. RSS-inspired BJP government is planning ethnic cleansing of Muslims through discriminatory laws like Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), the National Population Register (NPR), and National Register of Citizens (NRC) it said, adding that Hindutva BJP Indian government is trampling upon fundamental freedoms of religious minorities in India.

Hundreds of Muslim and other minority religious scholars and students area facing illegal detentions under black laws in different jails of India,

The report maintained that the global community must make sure that voices of victims of violence in IIOJK and across India are heard. “World must take practical steps to protect rights of IIOJK people and of India’s religious minorities. The Hindutva Indian government dominated by BJP must be brought to book for its crimes against IIOJK people and religious minorities in India,” it added.

The report pointed out that the international community has already been warned of the genocide of Muslims in India and IIOJK. Muslims, Dalits and Christians are completely unsafe in India because of their faith, it added.

It is to mention here that the International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief is a day designated by the UN for states to step up their efforts to combat intolerance, discrimination and violence against persons based on religion or belief.

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