
Syed Ali Gilani: Symbol of Kashmiris’ resistance against occupation

By Raies Mir (Human rights activist)

Syed Ali Gilani epitomized valor, courage, and resistance throughout his life, standing steadfast against oppression and subjugation. He viewed the Kashmir dispute as an unfinished agenda of the Partition plan. Gilani is also credited with coining the slogan ‘Hum Pakistani Hain, Pakistan Hamara Hai’ (We are Pakistanis, and Pakistan is ours).

Syed Ali Gilani began his political career in 1950 and was first imprisoned in 1962. A towering figure in Jammu and Kashmir’s political landscape, he held prominent positions in Jamaat-e-Islami, including Ameer and Secretary General. In 2003, he founded Tehreek-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir to advocate for the Kashmir cause, including a plebiscite and political dignity for the people of the region. Gilani was elected multiple times to the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly but resigned in 1990 as popular armed resistance against Indian rule intensified. His resignation marked a pivotal moment as Kashmiris sought a resolution to the dispute and challenged India’s rigid stance on Jammu and Kashmir.

After a severe chest infection in 2014, Syed Ali Gilani’s health deteriorated, but he remained a steadfast leader of his political conglomerate. Syed Ali Gilani, embraced martyrdom while in detention at his residence in Hyderpora area of Srinagar on September 1, 2021, at the age of 92. Syed Ali Gilani, who had already been suffering from multiple ailments, remained under house arrest from 2010 till his death. This prolonged house detention took a heavy toll on his health. Throughout his life, he endured numerous imprisonments for opposing India’s illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir.

Born in Zoorimanz, on the banks of Wullar Lake in Bandipore district of occupied Kashmir, Syed Ali Gilani remained a prominent political figure for seven decades. He fiercely advocated for the resolution of the Kashmir dispute and freedom from Indian occupation, enduring over 20 years of imprisonment across various jails in occupied Kashmir and India, where he faced severe physical and mental torture.

On October 25, 2010, Syed Ali Gilani, along with Indian writer Arundhati Roy, activist Varavara Rao, and three others, was charged with sedition by the Indian BJP government. This charge stemmed from their speeches at the “Azadi—The Only Way” convention held in New Delhi on October 21, 2010.

India’s Enforcement Directorate imposed a penalty of Rs 14.40 lakhs and ordered the confiscation of nearly Rs 6.8 lakhs in connection with a Foreign Exchange Management Act case against Syed Ali Gilani.

In 2015, the Indian government ordered that Gilani’s residence be converted into a sub-jail, a status that remained until his death. This conversion restricted mobile and telephone services, isolating him from the outside world. The occupation authorities not only confined Gilani to his residence but also denied him adequate medical care. These conditions led to severe health complications, including breathing problems due to chest congestion.

Throughout his life, Syed Ali Gilani dedicated himself to the cause of Kashmir’s freedom from Indian occupation. He was a leading figure in the Kashmiris’ struggle for self-determination and consistently advocated for resolving the Kashmir dispute in line with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people and relevant UN resolutions.

Gilani’s firm opposition to India’s illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir made him a prominent target for Indian authorities, who reacted strongly to his unwavering stance on the issue.

Syed Ali Gilani firmly supported a dialogue process for resolving the Kashmir dispute, provided it aligned with the wishes and aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He believed that Kashmiris are not adversaries of India or its people but rather desire peace and prosperity for all. Gilani argued that the resolution of the Kashmir issue is crucial for fostering strong, cooperative relations between India and Pakistan, which he saw as essential for regional peace and development.

He often stated, “Kashmir is not merely a border dispute between India and Pakistan that can be resolved through bilateral agreements. It is an issue affecting the future of 15 million people in Jammu and Kashmir.” Gilani emphasized that while the Hurriyat is open to dialogue, past negotiations lacking Kashmiri involvement had been fruitless, and he had little hope for future success without genuine participation from the Kashmiri people. He also strongly demanded the immediate and unconditional release of political prisoners and the withdrawal of long-pending cases against Kashmiri youth.

Syed Ali Gilani’s family remembers him as a steadfast advocate for the Kashmiri cause. A family member, who wished to remain anonymous, told Al Jazeera, “His unwavering stance and dedication were our driving force. He prioritized the people’s cause over his own life and always acted according to his beliefs.”

Kashmiri political analyst Siddiq Wahid said Gilani became “the very symbol of resistance” in the last decades of his life. “His gift to us was one of successfully piercing the carapace of insincerity that shielded the government of India’s policies in Jammu and Kashmir. He did his work.”

In an interview with MG Editor Dr. Zafarul-Islam Khan during Syed Ali Gilani’s visit to New Delhi for medical treatment, Gilani emphasized, “Every land is our land because it is God’s land. We are struggling for a cause. India had given us some promises. Now it has gone back on those promises and controls us on the basis of power. We are fighting against this blind power. We will continue to fight as long as we are alive. So long as we are alive, we will continue to fight against oppression, injustice and armed violence. We will not surrender”.

“I have heard his addresses in assembly when I was in opposition. He was a young man. He had a good hold on Urdu and his style and knowledge was intense,” senior Congress politician Saif Ud Din Soz told Al Jazeera. “He had a deep knowledge of the Quran. He used to talk about social, political and religious issues… He was very well educated.” “It is a loss to society despite me having many disagreements with ideology”.

His family told Al Jazeera the police “snatched his body and forcibly buried him” in a quiet pre-dawn funeral on Thursday, 2 Sept 2021.

Indian forces’ personnel snatched away Syed Ali Gilani’s body from his family and buried it under the cover of darkness at a local graveyard in Hyderpora, approximately 300 meters from his residence. This action prevented the family from honoring his wish to be buried at the Martyrs’ Graveyard in Eidgah, Srinagar.

In recognition of his long-standing struggle for Kashmiris’ right to self-determination, Pakistan’s President Dr. Arif Alvi awarded Syed Ali Gilani the Nishan-i-Pakistan, the country’s highest civilian honor, on August 14, 2020.

Syed Ali Gilani’s unwavering commitment to Kashmir and the suffering he endured for the cause of Kashmir’s freedom will be remembered and honored for generations. His steadfast demand for a referendum to determine the future of Kashmir remained uncompromised throughout his life.

Syed Ali Gilani’s words in 2019:

•The residents of Jammu and Kashmir must persist in resisting India’s brutal oppression with steadfast courage.

* Kashmiris must rise and protest against the humiliation inflicted upon them by India.

•Kashmiris living outside IIOJK must actively participate in the resistance struggle by acting as global ambassadors for the Kashmir cause.

India not only seeks to occupy Kashmiris land but also intends to erode Jammu and Kashmir’s collective identity and brotherhood.

•People must not allow India’s sinister plans to succeed at any cost.

•United, we must stand firm in the resistance struggle to safeguard our lives, property, and our demographic character.

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