
Kashmiri delegation voices concerns at UNHRC general debate on HR violations in IIOJK

Geneva: A Kashmiri delegation representing voices from both sides of the Line of Control, participating actively in the recent general debate at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva, expressed grave concerns regarding the High Commissioner’s updates that notably overlooked the dire human rights situation in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the delegation highlighted the alarming reality faced by the Kashmiri people, emphasizing the ongoing extrajudicial killings, torture in custody, and decades-long arbitrary detentions.

Ghulam Muhammad Safi, Convener of All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir chapter, speaking on behalf of the World Muslim Congress, said, “The continued extrajudicial killings, torture in custody, and decades-long arbitrary detentions in Kashmir cannot be overlooked. The use of draconian laws such as the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, Armed Forces Special Powers Act and Public Safety Act, alongside the notorious National Investigation Agency, serves to stifle political dissent and undermine the rights of the Kashmiri people.”

Raja Sajjad Lateef, representing United Villages, further underscored the plight of political leaders, human rights activists, and journalists, noting, “Even when we speak, over 5,000 innocent people, including political leaders, human rights activists, and journalists, are languishing in different jails across India. The Indian government’s acts of reprisals against human rights activists and political leaders include the confiscation of their properties.”

Ms Shamim Shawl of the International Muslim Women’s Union condemned the High Commissioner’s updates for ignoring the grave human rights situation in Indian illegally occupied Kashmir. She remarked, “How can a situation be ignored that has recently seen two reports from the Office of the High Commissioner and at least two dozen communications from special rapporteurs addressing various human rights violations, including extrajudicial executions, internet shutdowns, reprisals against human rights defenders, and female victims of rape and arbitrary detentions?”

Sardar Amjad Yousaf, President of the International Action for Peace and Sustainable Development, highlighted the intensified crackdown on human rights defenders following the detention of noted rights activists Khurram Parvez and Irfan Miraj. He said, “Now, other defenders who raise their voices for Kashmir have been included in the FIRs, signaling a dangerous trend against those advocating for human rights.”

In light of these alarming developments, the delegation called for the formation of a Commission of Inquiry and urged the Human Rights Council to send a commission to Indian-occupied Kashmir to investigate both past and ongoing human rights violations.

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