APHC-AJK apprises media of IIOJK’s current situation

Islamabad: The All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir (APHC-AJK) chapter has given a detailed briefing to Kashmiri journalists about the current situation in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and the so-called assembly elections being organized in the territory by the Modi government.

According to Kashmir Media Service, in this regard APHC-AJK chapter held an informal session at its headquarters in Islamabad. General Secretary Advocate Parvez Ahmed started the session with his opening remarks.

After that, senior Hurriyat leader Mohammad Farooq Rahmani, highlighting the aims and objectives of the session, informed the journalists associated with print and electronic media about the nefarious Indian motives behind the so-called assembly elections.

He said the corporate media of India is trying to mislead the world about the situation in occupied Jammu and Kashmir through its fabricated reporting. However, he said, the international community is fully aware of the actual situation in the territory and is keeping a close eye on Indian actions. He said there is a need for the mainstream print and electronic media of Pakistan to expose the false news reports of the Indian media.

Muhammad Farooq Rahmani said the All Parties Hurriyat Conference represents the freedom movement of Kashmir but India has lodged its top leadership in jails for representing the feelings and emotions of the Kashmiris.

He said sacrifices of the Kashmiris require further unity to thwart Indian conspiracies against the freedom movement.

Advocate Parvez Ahmed said the APHC-AJK chapter is organizing various programmes in Azad Jammu and Kashmir and in different cities of Pakistan to expose Indian oppression and tyranny in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. He said in this regard a campaign will also be started in Gilgit-Baltistan.

Besides other APHC-AJK leaders, Zahid Safi, Sheikh Muhammad Yaqoob, Ajaz Rehmani, Imtiaz Wani and Syed Gulshan gave different suggestions to the media community on how to expose Indian onslaught on innocent Kashmiris.

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