
Survey reveals alarming rise in Hindutva, Islamophobic trend in US

New Delhi: A fresh survey conducted by the Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) and ReThink Media reveals disturbing trends of Hindu nationalism or Hindutva and Islamophobia within the Indian diaspora in the United States.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the study, titled “The Detrimental Effects of Hindu Nationalism on Indian American Muslims,” polled 950 Indian-American Muslims to examine the impact of Hindu nationalist ideology on social, professional, and digital interactions.

The survey’s findings are alarming. Over 90% of respondents view Hindu nationalism as a threat to their community, with 80% reporting experiences of Islamophobic harassment, discrimination, or prejudice from Hindu friends or social contacts. Additionally, 70% faced biased treatment from Hindu colleagues, including being passed over for promotions and anti-Muslim remarks at work.

The rise of Hindu nationalism in India, particularly under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), is seen as a driving force behind the surge in Islamophobia. Social media platforms have also been weaponized against Indian-American Muslims, with 48% reporting harassment and discrimination on platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and LinkedIn. These experiences have left many feeling emotionally exhausted, isolated, and hostile.

IAMC Executive Director Rasheed Ahmed emphasized that Hindu nationalism is a corrosive force in American life, just as it is in India. “This survey provides quantitative proof of what many Indian American Muslims have known to be true for decades,” Ahmed said. IAMC President Mohammad Jawad warned that the Modi regime’s influence on Indian-American communities undermines social cohesion and international democracy.

The survey’s findings underscore the urgent need for addressing the alarming rise of Islamophobia and Hindu nationalism within the Indian-American community. Enhanced community dialogue, education, and policy interventions are necessary to combat this growing divide and promote mutual respect.

The Indian American Muslim Council has called for increased awareness and action to address the issue, emphasizing that Hindu nationalism’s impact extends beyond the Indian-American community, posing a threat to democracy in the United States.

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