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Pakistan's Support to Kashmir

Pakistan reaffirms to crush India-sponsored terrorism, sparking clash

New York: Pakistan, despite being a terrorism victim, has the will, determination and capability to defeat externally-sponsored scourge, “ironically” aided and financed by India, a senior Pakistani diplomat has told a UN panel.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Ambassador Usman Jadoon, acting permanent representative of Pakistan to the UN, during a debate in the General Assembly‘s Legal (sixth) Committee on ‘Measures to eliminate International Terrorism’ revealed, “We have led the fight against terrorism over the last two decades”.

Noting that this menace continues to mutate into various new forms, he underscored the need for UN’s counter-terrorism architecture to incorporate the new types and cyber-tools of terrorism, including cryptocurrencies and online terrorism recruitment.

He also called for addressing the unresolved conflicts, foreign occupation and denial of right to self-determination, especially in Kashmir and Palestine to completely wipe out terrorism that has spread across the world.

Ambassador Jadoon’s pointed words on Indian-sponsored terrorism and occupation of Kashmir drew a response from a delegate of India, asserting well-known claims on disputed territory that a Pakistani delegate rejected in his right to reply.

Highlighting that Pakistan had suffered 80,000 casualties in fighting terrorism, he said the country continues to suffer from state sponsored cross-border attacks by the TTP Fitna al Khawarij, Da’esh and insurgent groups such as the Majeed Brigade.

The international community, Ambassador Jadoon said, has a responsibility to ensure that counter-terrorism efforts were not misused to violate human rights and international humanitarian law, as is being done by Israel in occupied Palestine and by India in Jammu and Kashmir.

Pakistan, he added, fully supports the OIC’s position that a consensus-based Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT) must clearly distinguish between acts of terrorism and the legitimate struggle of peoples under foreign and colonial occupation to self-determination and national liberation.

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