AJK Government initiates efforts to revive sick industrial units

Muzaffarabad: The Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Government is actively pursuing measures to revive sick industrial units in Mirpur and Bhimbher districts as part of an integrated industrial uplift plan.

The Kashmir Media Service reported that with a focus on boosting industrial activities and creating employment opportunities, the government aims to address the grievances of both existing and aspiring entrepreneurs.

In response to recommendations from the business community, especially the industrial sector, the AJK government has decided to establish a high-level committee comprising officials from commerce & industry, electricity, finance, and taxation.

This committee will address the challenges faced by the local corporate sector and propose solutions to facilitate their revival. Additionally, special attention will be given to industries such as Sericulture, nut wood carving, furniture, carpet, and Kashmiri rugs weaving in the Northern region of AJK.

A recent high-level meeting involving officials from the AJK government’s Department of Commerce and Industry, along with owners of sick industrial units in Mirpur and Bhimber districts, discussed strategies for the swift revival of these units.

Owners presented various proposals for revival, expressing their commitment to resume operations once assistance is provided by relevant state authorities, aligning with the government’s determined policy.

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