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PM Shehbaz Sharif reaffirms Pakistan’s unwavering support to struggling Kashmiris

Islamabad: Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has reiterated Islamabad’s unwavering support to the people of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir in their struggle for realization of their inalienable right to self-determination.

According to Kashmir Media Service, PM Shehbaz Sharif, talking to a delegation of Kashmiri diaspora activists, led by Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary General World Kashmir Awareness Forum, which called on him in Islamabad, today, reaffirmed Pakistan’s unwavering moral, diplomatic and political support to the Kashmiris in their just cause of freedom.

He emphasized that a durable peace in South Asia was contingent upon a just settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the aspirations of Kashmiri people. He lauded the Kashmiri activists’ efforts to increase global awareness about the Jammu and Kashmir dispute and the plight of people of IIOJK.

The prime minister recalled that he had never missed any opportunity to raise the voice in support of Kashmiri brothers and sisters, as evident from his address at the 2022 UN General Assembly, as well as at other forums including SCO and with other world leaders.

The Kashmiri activists thanked the Prime Minister for Pakistan’s consistent support to the Kashmir cause. They also apprised him of the latest developments in the region and shared their efforts to highlight the Kashmir freedom struggle in various parts of the world.

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