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IIOJK in focus

Asian Age report rips apart India’s so-called Fact-Check on troops’ deployment in IIOJK

New Delhi: Indian media’s remaining credibility is being undermined by its inaccurate, superficial, and incomplete reporting, as seen in its fresh claims about Pakistani media, specifically the Kashmir Media Service, regarding the number of Indian troops deployed in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the DFRAC’s report attempted to counter Pakistani media, particularly Kashmir Media Service’s factual figures regarding the deployment of Indian troops in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, claiming that only 3.4 lakh Indian troops are stationed in the territory.

However, The Asian Age, an English-language Indian daily newspaper with editions published in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata, in its report titled “Forces deploy 1 million to guard Kashmir Valley,” published on August 18, 2019, contradicts this claim, revealing that close to 9.5 lakh personnel from the Army, various paramilitary units, special forces, and the Indian Air Force are involved in guarding every inch of the Kashmir Valley.

The Asian Age has raised questions about the credibility of India’s media, as it exposes the so-called fact-checking narrative of India’s research organization, Defence and Faith Research and Analysis Centre (DFRAC).

This number is significantly higher than DFRAC’s claims and aligns with what Pakistani media has been reporting.

In view of the Asian Age report, questions are being raised about the credibility of India’s media, as it exposes the so-called fact-checking narrative of India’s research organization, Defence and Faith Research and Analysis Centre (DFRAC).

This number is significantly higher than DFRAC’s claims and aligns with what Pakistani media has been reporting.

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